When speed and scaling are needed: server of distributed iOS devices

    Many developers of UI-tests for iOS probably know the problem of the time of the test run. Badoo runs more than 1,400 end-to-end tests for iOS applications for each regression launch. This is more than 40 machine hours of tests that pass in 30 real minutes.

    Nikolay Abalov from Badoo shared how he was able to speed up the execution of tests from 1.5 hours to 30 minutes; how untangled the closely related tests and the iOS infrastructure by going to the device server; how it simplified parallel test runs and made tests and infrastructure easier to maintain and scale.

    You will learn how to run tests in parallel with tools like fbsimctl and how the separation of tests and infrastructure can simplify the acceptance, support and scaling of your tests.

    Initially, Nicholas presented a report at the Heisenbug conference (you can watch the video ), and now for Habr we made a text version of the report. Next - the story from the first person:

    Hello everyone, today I will tell about the scaling of testing under iOS. My name is Nikolai, I'm in Badoo doing mainly iOS infrastructure. Prior to that, he worked for 2 years at 2GIS, was engaged in development and automation, in particular, he wrote Winium.Mobile - the implementation of WebDriver for Windows Phone. I was taken to Badoo to work on the automation of Windows Phone, but after a while the business decided to halt the development of this platform. And I was offered interesting tasks on the automation of iOS, about which I will tell you today.

    What are we going to talk about? The plan is:

    • Informal statement of the problem, introduction to the tools used: how and why.
    • Parallel testing on iOS and how it developed (in particular, on the history of our company, since we started doing it back in 2015).
    • Device server is the main part of the report. Our new test paralleling model.
    • The results we achieved using the server.
    • If you do not have 1500 tests, then you may not really need a device server, but you can still pull out interesting things from it, and we’ll talk about them. They can be used if you have 10-25 tests, and it still gives either acceleration or additional stability.
    • And finally, a summary.


    The first is a little about who uses what. Our stack is a bit non-standard because we both use Calabash and WebDriverAgent at the same time (which gives us speed and Calabash backdoors when automating our application and at the same time full access to the system and other applications via WebDriverAgent). WebDriverAgent is a WebDriver implementation for iOS from Facebook, which is used internally by Appium. And Calabash is an embedded automation server. We write the tests ourselves in a human-readable form using Cucumber. That is, in our company pseudo-BDD. And because we used Cucumber and Calabash, we inherited Ruby, all the code is written in it. There is a lot of code, and you have to continue writing in Ruby. To run tests in parallel, we use parallel_cucumber, a tool written by one of my colleagues at Badoo.

    Let's start with what we had. When I started preparing the report, there were 1,200 tests. By the time they were completed, it was 1300. As long as I arrived here, the tests were already 1,400. These are end-to-end tests, not unit tests or integration tests. They make up 35-40 hours of computer time on one simulator. They passed earlier in an hour and a half. I'll tell you how they began to take place in 30 minutes.

    We have a workflow in our company with branches, reviews and tests for these branches. Developers create approximately 10 requests to the main repository of our application. But there are also components in it that shuffle with other applications, so sometimes there are more than ten. As a result, 30 test launches per day, at least. Since the developers are pushing, then they realize that they started with bugs, perezalivat, and all this is full regression, simply because we can run it. On the same infrastructure, we run additional projects, such as Liveshot, which takes screenshots of the application in the main user scripts in all languages, so that translators can verify the correctness of the translation, whether it is placed on the screen, and so on. As a result, there are about one and a half thousand hours of computer time at the moment.

    First of all, we want developers and testers to trust automation and rely on it to reduce manual regression. For this to happen, it is necessary to achieve fast and, most importantly, stable and reliable work from automation. If tests pass in an hour and a half, the developer will get tired of waiting for the results, he will start doing another task, his focus will switch. And when some tests fall, he will be very not happy that you have to go back, switch attention and repair something. If the tests are unreliable, then over time people begin to perceive them only as a barrier. They are constantly falling, although there are no bugs in the code. These are Flaky tests, some kind of hindrance. Accordingly, these two points were disclosed in these requirements:

    • Tests should take place in 30 minutes or less.
    • They should be stable.
    • They must be scalable, so that we can, adding another hundred tests, fit in half an hour.
    • Infrastructure should be easily maintained and developed.
    • On simulators and physical devices, everything should run the same way.

    Basically, we are driving tests on simulators, and not on physical devices, because it is faster, more stable and easier. Physical devices are used only for tests that really require it. For example, camera, push notifications and the like.

    How to meet these requirements and do everything well? The answer is very simple: we remove two thirds of the tests! This solution fits into 30 minutes (because only a third of the tests remain), scales easily (more tests can be removed), and improves reliability (because first of all we remove the most unreliable tests). I have it all. Questions?

    But seriously, in every joke there is some truth. If you have a lot of tests, then you need to review them and understand what brings real benefits. We had another task, so we decided to see what can be done.

    The first approach is filtering tests based on coverage or components. That is, select the appropriate tests based on changes to the files in the application. I will not talk about this, but this is one of the tasks that we are solving at the moment.

    Another option is to accelerate and stabilize the tests themselves. You take a specific test, see which steps take the most time in it and whether it is possible to optimize them somehow. If some of them are very often unstable, you rule them, because it reduces test restarts, and everything goes faster.

    And finally, a completely different task - parallelization of tests, their distribution over a large number of simulators and the provision of scalable and stable infrastructure, so that there is much to parallelize.

    In this article we’ll talk mainly about the last two points and at the end, at tips & tricks, we’ll touch on the point about speed and stabilization.

    Parallel testing for iOS

    Let's start with the history of parallel testing for iOS in general and Badoo in particular. To begin with, simple arithmetic, here, however, there is an error in the formula, if we compare the dimensions:

    There were 1300 tests for one simulator, it turns out 40 hours. Then Satish, my manager, comes in and says that he needs half an hour. We need to invent something. X appears in the formula: how many simulators to run, so that in half an hour everything goes. The answer is 80 simulators. And immediately the question arises, where to put these 80 simulators, because they do not fit anywhere.

    There are several options: you can go to clouds like SauceLabs, Xamarin or AWS Device Farm. And you can come up with everything and do well. Given that this article exists, we did everything right. We decided this because a cloud with such a scale would be quite expensive, and there was a situation when iOS 10 came out and Appium released support for it for almost a month. This means that we could not automatically test iOS 10 in SauceLabs for a month, which didn’t suit us at all. In addition, all the clouds are closed, and you can not influence them.

    So, we decided to do everything in-house. Began somewhere in 2015, then Xcode could not run more than one simulator. As it turned out, he cannot run more than one simulator under one user on one machine. If you have many users, you can run as many simulators as you want. My colleague Tim Baverstok invented a model on which we lived for a long time.

    There is an agent (TeamCity, Jenkins Node and the like), it runs parallel_cucumber, which simply goes to remote machines via ssh. The picture shows two cars for two users. All the necessary test type files are copied and run on remote machines via ssh. And the tests are already running the simulator locally on the current desktop. To make it all work, you had to go to each machine, create, for example, 5 users, if you want 5 simulators, make one user an automatic login, open screensharing for the rest, so that they always have a desktop. And set up an ssh daemon so that it has access to the processes on the desktop. In this simple way we started running tests in parallel. But there are several problems in this picture. First, the tests run the simulator, they are there, where is the simulator itself. That is, they must always be run on poppies, they eat up resources that could be spent on running simulators. As a result, you have fewer simulators on the machine and they are more expensive. Another point is that you need to go to each machine, set up users. And then you will simply be buried in the global ulimit. If there are five users and they pick up a lot of processes, then at some point the system will run out of descriptors. Having reached the limit, the tests will begin to fall when trying to open new files and start new processes. And then you will simply be buried in the global ulimit. If there are five users and they pick up a lot of processes, then at some point the system will run out of descriptors. Having reached the limit, the tests will begin to fall when trying to open new files and start new processes. And then you will simply be buried in the global ulimit. If there are five users and they pick up a lot of processes, then at some point the system will run out of descriptors. Having reached the limit, the tests will begin to fall when trying to open new files and start new processes.

    In 2016-2017, we decided to switch to a slightly different model. We looked at the report of Lawrence Lomax from Facebook - they presented fbsimctl, and partially told how the infrastructure in Facebook works. There was another report by Victor Koronevich about this model. The picture is not much different from the previous one - we just got rid of users, but this is a big step forward, since now there is only one desktop, fewer processes are running, simulators are cheaper. In this picture there are three simulators, not two, since the resources for launching an additional one are freed up. With this model, we lived for a very long time, until mid-October 2017, when we started switching to our server for remote devices.

    It looked like iron. On the left is a box with macbooks. Why we all ran tests on them - this is a separate big story. It was not a good idea to run tests on macbooks that we inserted into the iron box, because somewhere before dinner they started to overheat, because of them the heat does not go well when they are so lying on the surface. Tests became unstable, especially simulators began to fall during loading.

    We decided this is simple: put the laptops "tents", the area of ​​the air flow increased and the stability of the infrastructure unexpectedly increased.

    So sometimes you do not have to deal with software, but go around turning laptops.

    But if you look at this picture, there is some kind of mash from wires, adapters and generally tin. This is an iron part, and it was still good. In the software, there was a complete interweaving of tests with the infrastructure, and it was impossible to live like this anymore.

    We identified the following problems:

    • The fact that the tests were closely related to the infrastructure, running simulators and managed their entire life cycle.
    • This led to the difficulty of scaling, since the addition of a new node meant setting it up for tests and for running simulators. For example, if you wanted to update Xcode, you had to add workaround directly to the tests, because they run on different versions of Xcode. There are some heaps if to start the simulator.
    • Tests are tied to the machine where the simulator is located, and it costs a lot of money, since they have to be run on Macs instead of * nix, which are cheaper.
    • And it was always very easy to dig inside the simulator. In some tests we went to the file system of the simulator, deleted some files there or modified them, and everything was fine until it was done in three different ways in three different tests, and then the fourth suddenly started to fall if it was not lucky to start after those three.
    • And the last moment - the resources did not rummage. There were, for example, four TeamCity agent, five machines were connected to each, and it was possible to run tests only on their five machines. There was no centralized resource management system, because of this, when only one task arrives, it went on five machines, and all 15 others were idle. Because of this, builds have been going on for a very long time.

    New model

    We decided to switch to a beautiful new model.

    Removed all the tests on one machine, where TeamCity agent. This machine can now be on * nix or even on Windows, if you so wanted. They will communicate over HTTP with some thing we call device server. All simulators and physical devices will be somewhere there, and the tests will be run here, request the device via HTTP and continue to work with it. The scheme is very simple, just two elements in the diagram.

    In reality, of course, behind the server was ssh and so on. But now it does not bother anyone, because the guys writing tests in this scheme are at the top, and they have some specific interface for working with a local or remote simulator, so they are fine. And now I work lower, and everything is as it was for me. Have to live with it.

    What does this give?

    • First, the division of responsibility. At some point in the automation of testing should be considered as a normal development. It employs the same principles and approaches that developers use.
    • It turned out to be a strictly defined interface: you cannot do something directly with the simulator, for this you need to open a ticket in the device server, and we will figure out how to do it optimally, without breaking other tests.
    • The test environment has become cheaper, because we raised it to * nix, which is much cheaper than poppies to maintain.
    • And there was a sharing of resources, because there is a single layer with which everyone communicates, she can plan the distribution of the machines behind her, i.e. resource sharing between agents.

    Above is shown as it was before. On the left, the conventional units of time, say, tens of minutes. There are two agents, 7 simulators are connected to each, at time 0 the build comes and takes 40 minutes. After 20 minutes, another one arrives, and it takes the same time. Everything seems fine. But there, and there are gray squares. They mean that we have lost money because we did not use the available resources.

    You can do this: the first build comes and sees all the free simulators, is distributed, and the tests are accelerated twice. To do this, nothing had to be done. In reality, this often happens because developers rarely push their brunch at the same moment. Although sometimes this happens, and begin "checkers", "pyramids" and the like. However, in most cases, free acceleration twice as much can be obtained by simply putting a centralized system for managing all resources.

    Other reasons to go to this:

    • Black boxing, that is, now the device server is a black box. When you write tests, you think only about tests and you think that this black box will always work. If it doesn't work, you just go and knock on the person who should do it, that is, me. And I have to repair it. Not only me, in fact, several people are involved in the entire infrastructure.
    • You can not spoil the insides of the simulator.
    • No need to put a million utilities on the machine so that everything runs - you just put one utility that hides all the work in the device server.
    • It has become easier to update the infrastructure, as we will talk about somewhere in the end.

    Reasonable question: why not Selenium Grid? First, we had a lot of legacy code, 1500 tests, 130 thousand lines of code for different platforms. And all this was controlled by parallel_cucumber, which created the life cycle of the simulator outside the test. That is, there was a special system that loaded the simulator, waited for it to be fully ready and gave it to the test. In order not to rewrite everything, we decided to try not to use the Selenium Grid.

    We also have a lot of non-standard actions, and we rarely use WebDriver. The main part of the tests on Calabash, and WebDriver only auxiliary. That is, we do not use Selenium in most cases.

    And, of course, we wanted everything to be flexible, easy to prototype. Because the whole project began simply with an idea that we decided to test, implemented it in a month, everything started, and it became the main decision in our company. By the way, at first we wrote Ruby, and then rewrote the device server to Kotlin. Tests appeared on Ruby, and the server on Kotlin.

    Device server

    Now more about the device server itself, how it works. When we first began to investigate this question, we used the following tools:

    • xcrun simctl and fbsimctl - command line utilities for managing simulators (the first is officially from Apple, the second from Facebook, it is a bit more convenient to use)
    • WebDriverAgent, also from Facebook, in order to drive applications out of the process, when a push notification or something like that comes
    • ideviceinstaller, to put the application on physical devices and then somehow automate on the device.

    By the time we started writing the device server, we searched. It turns out that by that time, fbsimctl already knew how to do everything that xcrun simctl and ideviceinstaller could do, so we just threw them out, leaving only fbsimctl and WebDriverAgent. This is already some kind of simplification. Then we thought: why do we need to write something, surely Facebook is already ready. And indeed, fbsimctl can work as a server. You can run it like this:

    This will raise the simulator and start the server that will listen to the commands.

    When you stop the server, it will automatically shut down the simulator.

    What commands can I send? For example, use curl to send a list, and it will display full information about this device:

    And this is all in JSON, that is, it is easy to parse from the code, and it is easy to work with. They have implemented a huge pile of commands that allows you to do anything with a simulator.

    For example, approve is to give permission to use the camera, location and notification. The open command allows you to open deep links in the application. It would seem that you can not write anything, but take fbsimctl. But it turned out that there are not enough such commands:

    It is easy to guess that without them you will not be able to launch a new simulator. That is, someone must go to the car in advance and lift the simulator. And most importantly: you can not run tests on the simulator. Without these commands, the server cannot be used remotely, so we decided to create a complete list of additional requirements that we need.

    • The first is the creation and loading of simulators on demand. That is, liveshot'y can at any time ask for the iPhone X, and then the iPhone 5S, but most of the tests will run on the iPhone 6s. We should be able to create on demand the right amount of simulators of each type.
    • We also need to somehow be able to run WebDriverAgent or other XCUI tests on simulators or physical devices in order to drive the automation itself.
    • And we wanted to completely hide the satisfaction of the requirements. If your tests want to test something on iOS 8 for backward compatibility, then they do not need to know which machine to follow. They simply request the device server iOS 8, and if there is such a machine, it will find it, somehow prepare it and return the device from this machine. This was not in fbsimctl.
    • Finally, these are various additional actions, like deleting cookies in tests, which allows you to save a whole minute in each test, and other various tricks, which we'll talk about at the very end.
    • And the last moment is a pooling simulator. We had the idea that since the device server now lives separately from the tests, it is possible to start all simulators at the same time in advance, and when the tests arrive, the simulator will be ready to start working instantly, and we will save time. As a result, we have not done it, because the download of simulators has already been very fast. And this, too, will be at the very end, these are the spoilers.

    The picture is just an example of the interface, we wrote some kind of wrapper, a client for working with this remote device. Here, the dots are various facebook methods that we simply duplicate. Everything else is its own methods, for example, fast resetting the device, cleaning the cookies and getting various diagnostics.

    The whole scheme looks like this: there is a Test Runner that will run the tests and prepare the environment; there is a Device Provider, a client to the Device Server, to request devices from it; Remote Device is a wrapper over a remote device; Device Server - the device server itself. Everything behind it is hidden from the tests, there are some background threads for cleaning the disk and performing other important actions and fbsimctl with WebDriverAgent.

    How does all this work? From the tests or from Test Runner we request a device with a specific capability, for example, iPhone 6. The request goes to Device Provider, and it sends the device server, which finds the suitable machine, runs the background-thread on it to prepare the simulator and immediately returns some reference to the tests , token, promise that in the future the device will be created and loaded. On this token you can go to the Device Server and ask for the device. This token is turned into an instance of the RemoteDevice class and it will be possible to work with it in tests.

    All this happens almost instantly, and in the background the simulator starts loading in parallel with fbsimctl. Now we, for example, ship simulators in headless mode. If anyone remembers the first picture with the iron, you could see a lot of simulator windows on it, before we loaded them not in a headless mode. They are somehow loaded, you will not even see anything. Just wait until the simulator is fully loaded, for example, a record about SpringBoard and other heuristics appears in the syslog to determine the readiness of the simulator.

    As soon as it is loaded, we launch XCTest, which will actually raise the WebDriverAgent, and we will start to ask him healthCheck, because WebDriverAgent sometimes does not rise, especially if the system is very heavy. In parallel, at this time, a cycle is started, waiting for the device “ready” state. These are actually the same healthCheck. As soon as the device is fully loaded and ready for testing, you exit the loop.

    Now you can put an application on it simply by sending a request to fbsimctl. It's all elementary. You can also create a driver, the request is proxied to WebDriverAgent, and creates a session. After that, you can run tests.

    Tests are such a small part of this whole scheme, in them you can continue to communicate with the device server to perform actions like removing cookies, receiving video, starting a recording, and so on. In the end, you need to release the device (release), it ends, it clears all the resources, resets the cache and the like. Actually release the device is optional. It is clear that the device server itself does this, because sometimes tests fail along with Test Runner and do not explicitly release devices. This scheme is significantly simplified, it does not have many items and background-works that we perform so that the server can work for a whole month without any problems and reloads.

    Results and Next Steps

    The most interesting part is the results. They are simple. From 30 machines switched to 60. These are virtual machines, not physical machines. Most importantly, we reduced the time from one and a half hours to 30 minutes. And then the question arises: if the machines became twice as large, then why did the time decrease three times?

    In fact, everything is simple. I showed a picture about sharing of resources - this is the first reason. He gave an extra boost in speed in most cases, when the developers at different times launched tasks.

    The second point is the separation of tests and infrastructure. After that, we finally understood how everything works, and were able to optimize each of the parts separately and add another slight acceleration to the system. Separation of Concerns is a very important idea, because when everything is intertwined, it becomes impossible to completely embrace the system.

    It has become easier to make updates. For example, when I first came to the company, we upgraded to Xcode 9, which took more than a week with a small number of machines. We last updated on Xcode 9.2, and it took just a day and a half, and most of the time - copying files. We did not participate, it did something there.

    We have greatly simplified the Test Runner, which included rsync, ssh, and other logic. Now all this is thrown out and works somewhere on * nix, in Docker-containers.

    Next steps: preparing the device server for open source (after the report it was posted on GitHub ) , and we are thinking about removing ssh, because it requires additional configuration on the machines and in most cases leads to complication of logic and support of the entire system. But now you can take a device server, allow it on all ssh machines, and the tests will actually go to them without problems.

    Tips & tricks

    Now the most important thing is all sorts of tricks and just useful things that we found, creating a device server and this infrastructure.

    The first is the simplest. As you remember, we had a MacBook Pro, all tests were run on laptops. Now we run them on Mac Pro.

    Here are two configurations. These are actually the top versions of each device. On the MacBook, we could consistently run 6 simulators in parallel. If you try to load more at the same time, simulators start to fail due to the fact that they heavily load the processor, they have mutual locks and so on. On Mac Pro, you can run 18 - it is very easy to calculate, because instead of 4 there are 12 cores. Multiply by three - you get about 18 simulators. In fact, you can try to run a little more, but they need to somehow be spread in time, for example, you cannot launch it in one minute. Although there will be a trick with these 18 simulators, not everything is so simple.

    And this is their price. I do not remember how much it is in rubles, but it is clear that they cost a lot. The cost of each simulator for a MacBook Pro costs almost £ 400, and for a Mac Pro almost £ 330. This is already about £ 70 savings on each simulator.

    In addition, these MacBooks had to be put in a certain way, they had charges on magnets, which they had to stick on tape, because sometimes they fell off. And you had to buy an adapter to connect Ethernet, because so many devices in the iron box next to the Wi-Fi actually do not work, it becomes unstable. An adapter also costs around £ 30, when you divide by 6, you get another £ 5 for each device. But, if you do not need this super-parallelization, you have only 20 tests and 5 simulators are enough, in fact, it is easier to buy a MacBook, because you can find it in any store, and you should order and wait for a Mac Pro in top configuration. They cost us a bit cheaper, by the way, because we took them in bulk and there was some kind of discount. Another Mac Pro can be bought with a small memory,

    But with Mac Pro there is one trick. We had to break them into three virtual machines, put ESXi there. This is bare metal virtualization, that is, the hypervisor, which is placed on a bare machine, and not on the host system. He himself is the host, so we can run three virtuals. And if you put some usual virtualization on MacOS, for example Parallels, then you can run only 2 virtuals because of Apple's license restrictions. It was necessary to break, because in CoreSimulator, in the main service managing simulators, there were internal locks, and at the same time more than 6 simulators simply do not load, they start waiting for something in the queue, and the total load time of 18 simulators becomes unacceptable. By the way, ESXi costs £ 0, it's always nice when something costs nothing, but it works well.

    Why we did not do pooling? Partly because we accelerated the reset of the simulator. Suppose the test is dropped, you want to completely clean the simulator so that the next one does not fall due to the remaining incomprehensible files in the file system. The simplest solution is to shut down (shutdown) the simulator, explicitly erase (erase) and boot (boot).

    Very simple, one line, but takes 18 seconds. And half a year or a year ago it took almost a minute. Thanks to Apple for optimizing this business, but you can make it more cunning. Download the simulator and copy its working directories to the backup daddy. And then you turn off the simulator, delete the working directory and copy the backup, run the simulator.

    8 seconds turn out: loading was accelerated more than twice. At the same time, nothing complicated was done, that is, in Ruby code it takes literally two lines. In the picture I give an example on the bash so that it is easy to translate into other languages.

    The next reception. There is a Bumble app, it looks like Badoo, but with a slightly different concept, much more interesting. There you need to login via Facebook. In all our tests, since we use a new user from the pool every time, we had to log out from the previous one. To do this, we used Safari using WebDriverAgent, logged in to Facebook, stinged Sign out. It seems to be good, but takes almost a minute in every test. A hundred tests. One hundred extra minutes.

    In addition, Facebook sometimes likes to do A / B tests, so they can change the locators, the text on the buttons. Suddenly a pack of tests will fall, and everyone will be extremely unhappy. Therefore, we are doing fbsimctl list_apps, which finds all applications.

    Find MobileSafari:

    And there is a path to the DataContainer, and there is a binary file with cookies in it:

    We just delete it - it takes 20 ms. Tests began to take place 100 minutes faster, became more stable, because they can not fall because of Facebook. So parallelization is sometimes not needed. You can find places to optimize, easily minus 100 minutes, do not need to do anything. In the code it is two lines.

    The following: how we prepare the host machines for running simulators.

    With the first example, many who started Appium are familiar with the disabling of the hardware keyboard. The simulator has a habit when connecting text in a simulator to connect a hardware keyboard on a computer, and completely hide the virtual one. And Appium uses a virtual keyboard to enter text. Accordingly, after the local debugging of input tests, the remaining tests may begin to fail due to the lack of a keyboard. This command can disable the hardware keyboard, and we do this before raising each node for tests.

    The next item is more relevant for us, because the application is tied to geolocation. And very often it is necessary to run tests so that it is initially disabled. You can set 3101 in the LocationMode. Why is that? There used to be an article in the Apple documentation, but then they deleted it for some reason. Now this is just a magic constant in the code for which we all pray and hope that it will not break. Because as soon as it breaks, all users will be in San Francisco, because fbsimctl when loading puts such a location. On the other hand, we will easily find out, because everyone will be in San Francisco.

    The following is the disabling of Chrome, the frames around the simulator, which has various buttons. When running autotests it is not needed. Previously, disabling it allowed you to place more simulators from left to right to see how everything goes in parallel. Now we do not do that, because we are all headless. How many do not go on the machine, the simulators themselves will not be visible. If it is necessary, then you can stream the stream from the desired simulator.

    There is a set of different options that can be turned on and off. Of these, I will only mention SlowMotionAnimation, because I had a very interesting second or third day at work. I started the tests, and they all began to fall on timeouts. No items were found in the inspector, although he was. It turned out that at that time I launched Chrome, clicked cmd + T to open a new tab. At this point, the simulator became active and intercepted the command. For him, cmd + T is a slowdown of all animations 10 times for debugging animations. This option should also always be automatically disabled if you want to run tests on machines that people have access to, because they can accidentally break tests by slowing the animation.

    Probably the most interesting thing for me, since I did it not so long ago, is the management of all this infrastructure. 60 virtual hosts (in fact, 64 + 6 TeamCity agents) nobody wants to roll out manually. We found the xcversion utility- now it is part of fastlane, Ruby gem, which can be used as a command line utility: it partially automates the installation of Xcode. Then we took Ansible, wrote playbooks to roll out the fbsimctl everywhere of the required version, Xcode and deploy configs for the device server itself. And Ansible to remove and update simulators. When we switch to iOS 11, we leave iOS 10. But when the testing team says that it completely abandons automatic testing on iOS 10, we simply go through Ansible and clean up the old simulators. Otherwise they take up a lot of disk space.

    How it works? If you just take xcversion and call it on each of the 60 machines, it will take a lot of time, as it goes to the Apple site and downloads all the images. To update the machines that are in the park, you must select one working machine, run xcversion install on it the necessary version of Xcode, but do not install anything and do not delete anything. The installation package will be downloaded to the cache. The same can be done for any version of the simulator. The installation package is placed in ~ / Library / Caches / XcodeInstall. Then you load everything with Ceph, and if it doesn’t, launch any web server in this directory. I'm used to Python, so I run Python HTTP server on machines.

    Now on any other developer or tester machine, you can do xcversion install and specify a link to the raised server. It will download xip from the specified machine (if the local network is fast, then it will happen almost instantly), unpack the package, confirm the license - in general, it will do everything for you. There will be a fully working Xcode in which you can run simulators and tests. Unfortunately, with the simulators we didn’t do so comfortably, so you have to do curl or wget, download the package from that server to your local machine in the same directory, run xcversion simulators --install. We placed these calls inside the Ansible scripts and updated 60 machines per day. Most of the time it took to network copy files. In addition, at this moment we moved, that is, some of the machines were turned off. We restarted Ansible two or three times,

    A small summing up. On the first part: it seems to me that priorities are important. That is, first of all, you should have stability and reliability of tests, and then speed. If you chase only for speed, start to parallelize everything, then the tests will work quickly, but no one will ever look at them, just everyone will restart until everything suddenly passes. Or even score on the tests and push in the master.

    The next point: automation is the same development, so you can simply take the patterns that you have already invented for us and use them. If now your infrastructure is closely connected with tests and scaling is planned, then this is a good time to first divide and then scale.

    And the last point: if the task is to speed up the tests, then the first thing that comes to mind is to add more simulators, so that some factor becomes faster. In fact, very often you need not to add, but carefully analyze the code and a couple of lines to optimize everything, as in the example with cookies. This is better than parallelization, because two lines of code saved 100 minutes, and for parallelization you will have to write a lot of code and then maintain the iron part of the infrastructure. For money and resources, it will cost much more.

    Those who are interested in this report from the Heisenbug conference may also be interested in the following Heisenbug : it will be held in Moscow on December 6-7, and there are already descriptions of a number of reports on the conference website (and, by the way, receiving applications for reports is still open).

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