We invite everyone to hackathon SmartMail Hack: Pro Welcome

    On September 29 and 30, 2018, in the Moscow office of the Mail.Ru Group, the hackathon “SmartMail Hack: Pro Welcome” will be held, organized by Mail.Ru Mail and the HELP project. It is necessary to develop an application to help adolescents in difficult life situations. The expert partner of the project is the Foundation “Your territory”.

    Hackathon is focused on programmers, designers, psychologists, emergency centers, marketers and other professionals who are close to the topic of helping adolescents. In two days you will be able to create a project that will help a teenager who is faced with problems to figure out how to proceed.

    Work on the project was divided into three areas:

    1. Creating a concept and design of the application with an intuitive and attractive interface.
    2. Developing a useful function to help the adolescents in a crisis situation. This may be a panic button, a chat bot for auto-dialing, a post-injury relief trainer, or help with depressive states.
    3. Work on your own idea within the theme.

    One of the current threats to teens is cyberbullying. According to a study by the RAEC, in the 14-17 age group, 44% of adolescents received aggressive messages on the Internet, 48% became victims of grooming (establishing friendships for the purpose of personal encounters, sexual relations, blackmail and exploitation), 23% at least once received threats of physical violence.

    There are many young people and teenagers among our users, and it is important for us to start developing IT solutions that will help us navigate the difficult situation online, recognize it, find help or deal with the problem on our own.

    Hackathon members will receive diplomas and gifts from Mail.Ru Mail.

    To participate you must fill out a registration form .

    When filling out, indicate the area of ​​interest, profession, and describe the idea, if it already exists.

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