The sum of opinions: what users say in Nokia Lumia 1520 test drives

    Привет, друзья.
    Как вы, возможно, заметили, на Хабрахабре уже довольно продолжительное время проводятся тест-драйвы наших устройств. Мы первыми выступили в таком формате еще с появлением на российском рынке Nokia Lumia 920. Сейчас же для растерзания хабражителями и любыми другим пользователям интернета доступна целая линейка смартфонов Nokia, в том числе и флагманское устройство с большим экраном Lumia 1520.

    Фото: Кирилл Котляренко

    К настоящему моменту на страницах проектаquite a lot of reviews of this device have accumulated, and we decided to make a brief squeeze of opinions. In order to avoid accusations of the advertising nature of these posts, we recall that everyone can take the device for a test drive and draw up their own opinion, tell about personal experience on the pages of the project.

    To begin with, it is worth noting that after reading the texts, we made two important conclusions for ourselves. The first is that although users expressed a number of complaints about the device (however, most often of an individual nature), the Lumia 1520 was generally liked by everyone. The second point - the Windows Phone 8 platform, compared to last year, has ceased to be something outlandish for users. This time, users talked more about the characteristics and parameters of the smartphone themselves, and did not describe the experience of the first acquaintance with the smartphone on WP and practically did not compare the OS with other mobile platforms.

    Photo: victorr

    The first impression of users who took the device for a test drive can be expressed in one phrase: “ GOD, WHAT IT'S BIG". It was difficult for some users to get used to the “tablet” after a long experience with classic smartphones:
    For some time I did not understand how to keep it. It was inconvenient for me, and the usual “iPhone” grip did not allow me to reach all the necessary keys. Probably 6 "for me it is still too much. The positive side of this screen is visible immediately after switching on, and you are finally convinced of this when watching videos and sites.

    Others were able to find a common language with the form factor of a smartphone with a screen of 6 inches: Dmitry Obydenkov

    One of the questions about the usability of the devices was the question of carrying. I used to carry the phone in my right pocket of jeans, deciding not to change the habit; I spent five days with the Lumia 1520 in the same pocket of quite average jeans. The phone feels great in your pocket, but does not burst or burden the pocket without creating noticeable inconvenience.
    Another important aspect of using the device is the convenience of the “grip”. By the convenience of a grip, I understand how convenient it is to perform familiar actions such as answering a call, typing, navigating through the menus and system, surfing, reading news feeds, using the camera. After five days, I came to the conclusion that the device requires two-handed control and that only some short-term actions can be performed with one hand.

    Photo: victorr

    Having gotten a little used to the size of the device, users began to evaluate the technical characteristics of the Lumia 1520, starting, which, obviously, from the display:

    Ilya Lyakh
    In this model, a six-inch IPS-matrix of 1920x1080 pixels is installed. As a protective coating for the display, Gorilla Glass 2 glass with an anti-reflective layer and an oleophobic coating is used. You can adjust the readability, saturation and color temperature using the detailed menu. Thus, the display of this model can be called one of the best among Full HD-screens.

    Dmitry Obydenkov
    The first time I took out the phone on the street, I could not understand what was the matter: the picture was not displayed as usual. Having taken an interest in the Internet, I found out that it was Assertive Display technology, which allows you to increase the contrast of the picture in bright sun. And this technology really works, the readability in sunlight of 1520 is much better than that of Korean and American flagships!

    Photo: Boomburum Testers

    did not bypass their attention 20 MP camera and video recording capabilities:

    Stepan Pronin
    The camera is a huge plus of this smartphone.
    Lumia 1520 has a camera with a resolution of 20.1 megapixels, and this is as many as 5376x3744 pixels.
    True, the maximum resolution can still not be achieved: it will have to be limited to 18.7 MP for a photo with an aspect ratio of 3: 4 or 16.3 MP with an aspect ratio of 16: 9.

    Photo: Boomburum

    Photo: Sipan Vardanyan

    Photo: KirillAlexandrovich

    Dmitry Obydenkov
    It’s worth paying attention to video capabilities, more precisely to Nokia Rich Recording technology. You can argue for a long time that these are just advertising tricks, but recently having visited a concert with my 925, I got a recording with very good sound, most phones simply cannot adequately record loud sound. Four microphones are provided for recording sound in 1520, marketers call this directional stereo sound. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to visit any concert in five days, but judging by the records on the quality has become even better.

    Dmitry also spoke in detail about Windows Phone and his favorite applications:

    One of the advantages of Windows Phone is its speed, which turns against expensive devices: on smartphones for $ 600, the system works as fast as on smartphones for $ 100. There may be differences in speed, but they are minimal. The only thing I could note was the almost instant launch of applications, while less powerful smartphones are a little more thoughtful in this regard.
    One of my favorite apps from Nokia is Projector . It works very simply: open in the browser, launch the application, show the QR from the browser by phone - that's all, you can stream the image from your smartphone directly to the browser via the Internet. Personally, this allows me to show Power Point presentations directly from the phone, eliminating the need to take a laptop with me for fifteen minutes.

    Photo: Dmitry Obydenkov

    At home, you can use the Media Center application . Just a DLNA player. The device, among other things, supports Wi-Fi ac.

    Photo: Dmitry Obydenkov

    However, in fairness it is worth noting that not everyone liked the OS:
    This is perhaps the weakest point in the device. The OS itself is not bad, there are some roughness and unusual moments, but in general you can use it. There is a lack of a “notification curtain” for viewing new events and a rather inconvenient menu that is neither alphabetically ordered nor categorized.
    Third-party software is a special “pain”. Firstly, there are very few programs. Yes, there are major programs - Twitter, Whatsapp, FB, VK, Telegram, but, for example, Duolingo, where I study Spanish - could not be found.

    In fairness, it is worth noting that in Windows Phone 8.1 a notification screen and many other long-awaited functions will appear, and the number of applications is constantly growing (and many Windows Phone users will confirm this), including by attracting applications from other platforms. And the menu is actually sorted alphabetically, it is strange that dzarlax did not notice this. By the way, for convenient and personalized categorization of applications, you can use the proprietary “app” Folders to collect your favorite applications in separate tiles on the main screen.

    At the end of the post we want to add some lyrics from the user KirillAlexandrovich
    I entered the subway, squeezed through the turnstiles, and stood on the endless belt of the escalator, pulling me underground. A bright yellow corner of the rented Nokia 1520 phone was playfully peeking out of my jeans pocket. After hesitation, I reached out and pulled it out: for some reason, I immediately recalled an episode from fairy tales about the Mummy Troll, when Vifsla and Tofsla decided to show their treasure to the Mummy Troll family . No, the matter, of course, is not the price, although 20,000 for me is a lot for the phone. The point is the feeling of "detachment" from the outside world. As if the phone carries with it part of its world - bright, yellow, clear, transparent.
    Remember the episode from The Hipsters, when Mels, dressed up for the first time, rides on a bus with the proletariat? Amid the general dullness, longing and doom, to live in a communal apartment appears one who ... the other. He who thinks differently lives differently. That's how you feel when you get this nokia in the subway. Not so that our times, of course, were exactly the same, and bright people still come across on the streets, but the general desire for dullness and lowered eyes is evident.

    PS: We also want to note the test drives that we did not make out for quotes, since they are best read in their entirety:
    - An overview of the capabilities of the Lumia 1520 camera and the post “ About the friendship of Nokia Lumia 1520 and Xbox 360 ” from the famous Boomburum ;
    - An overview of the capabilities of the Lumia 1520 as a device for working from Cyril Kotlyarenko;
    - Student review from hacker108 .
    As well as other test drives on the project page:

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