IST-Budget - our history in public procurement

    If this is a corporate blog, then it seems to be quite appropriate to talk about our Company, whose employees will publish their posts here.
    So, LLC “Innovative Search Technologies”


    The company works closely in two areas: IT development (mainly 1C, SAP, industry solutions for Microsoft Dynamics NAV) and the creation of administrative regulations in the forestry and social spheres of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The development and implementation of software products is carried out mainly in the territory of the Saratov region (customers - factories, large and small industrial and commercial enterprises, IP), work on the creation of regulatory acts is carried out mainly in the regions of state customers: Smolensk region, Pskov region, Tver region, Kaluga region, Moscow. In 2008 before us for the first time, two problems in working with public procurements are acutely pointed out: the impossibility of a high-quality consolidated search(all tenders are published on their government websites, a single public procurement website will appear only after three years), a complete lack of public procurement analytics tools (this problem has not been resolved on the official public procurement resource of Russia to this day. Companies that analyze the market either use the services of consulting companies or keep entire departments for these purposes). The year ends with the signing of a one-year contract with IA Trade. Su, big promises from the staff of this organization, and expectations of a successful public procurement business.

    2009 - 2010

    Instead of positive expectations, disappointment quickly enough comes: the necessary purchases are not searched in full, the interface of the acquired resource “eats” time and nerves, the need for analytics of our participation in public procurements is growing, and a reasonable solution to this issue is lacking as a fact. The presence of a strong IT department and an active position of the company becomes a good basis for making a non-standard decision: we will create the best tools in Russia for the search and analysis of public procurement.
    In mid-2009, a detailed analysis of all existing Russian tender systems is carried out, a technical task is being written. The main features that made the difference were as in our interface concept(we’ll touch on this in more detail on the blog), as well as the Sphinx search engine adapted for the project, (later the programmers promised to share their achievements, and now there are about 15 million documents in our indexes, and the project on such an array shows good performance) . At the beginning of the project in operation - two leased servers. In July 2010, the first launch of the still free service takes place with the provision of information on public procurement in the Saratov, Samara and Penza regions. There is a debugging of the main functionality of the system.

    2011 year

    This year is becoming the most successful for the company, the most important and the most difficult at the same time. The emergence of a single all-Russian public procurement site of Russia ( greatly simplifies the data collection process (there is no need to collect purchases from each regional portal separately), but it does not make the work of suppliers participating in public procurements easier or more convenient. 200 million rubles, poured into the OOS (All-Russian official site), are not able to ensure the normal performance of the site as a whole, and its modules separately.
    The first three quarters of the service its non-commercial existence, gradually acquiring its new users; in November - announces the launch of a commercial version. In fact, the commercial version is the free version of the past tense, which everyone is used to, and the new free version takes on a number of restrictions that do not interfere with the tools of the service, but cause significant inconvenience. The gradual growth of resource users increases the load, therefore, two more servers are taken on lease and the analytical unit is “supplemented”. The main differences between IST-Budget and OOS are already visible at the initial stage: the availability of full-text search, high speed of work, the absence of lengthy “regular work”, the availability of analytical tools: forecast of likely bidders and the winner of the tender, full reports on the participants of the state order: Suppliers and Customers . The development of the Tender project procurement management module is nearing completion, where according to all the laws of the genre of working with cloud services, companies are offered the opportunity to work on any array of added tenders in a single information space, with the distribution of tasks among employees, group work with documents, group chat with reference to each tender etc. An overview of this tool in a corporate blog to do is a holy thing. The year ends with the calculation, although not very large (~ 300,000 rubles), but of the first revenue. And the first revenue, you know, is like the first wedding night :-), now of course it looks very funny, but then it was the first feedback. companies are offered the opportunity to work on any array of added tenders in a single information space, with the distribution of tasks among employees, group work with documents, group chat with reference to each tender, etc. An overview of this tool in a corporate blog to do is a holy thing. The year ends with the calculation, although not very large (~ 300,000 rubles), but of the first revenue. And the first revenue, you know, is like the first wedding night :-), now of course it looks very funny, but then it was the first feedback. companies are offered the opportunity to work on any array of added tenders in a single information space, with the distribution of tasks among employees, group work with documents, group chat with reference to each tender, etc. An overview of this tool in a corporate blog to do is a holy thing. The year ends with the calculation, although not very large (~ 300,000 rubles), but of the first revenue. And the first revenue, you know, is like the first wedding night :-), now of course it looks very funny, but then it was the first feedback. The year ends with the calculation, although not very large (~ 300,000 rubles), but of the first revenue. And the first revenue, you know, is like the first wedding night :-), now of course it looks very funny, but then it was the first feedback. The year ends with the calculation, although not very large (~ 300,000 rubles), but of the first revenue. And the first revenue, you know, is like the first wedding night :-), now of course it looks very funny, but then it was the first feedback.


    At the beginning of the year, the total amount of money invested in the project before the start of the commercial version ~ 5 million rubles is calculated (this is 2.5% of the “cost” of the environmental protection system), and two priority tasks are determined: active development of the service (here: development of new products , increasing the audience of the resource, advertising campaigns) and reaching the level of self-sufficiency. In July 2012, the first major contract was signed with a well-known foreign supplier of medical equipment. Around the same time, good partnership-friendly relations were established with the largest public procurement consulting portal The number of regular customers is growing monthly, albeit not at a superfast pace, but with the customers - the company's profit. The results of 2012 were: total revenue of 7 million rubles, 500 new customers, two freshly acquired servers (the rental is gradually being abandoned in favor of using our own equipment, now we barely fit on 8 servers), partnership agreements were signed with broker companies providing financial services. The company employs 10 people.
    In 2013, a lot of time and resources were spent on “moving” from the old version of the OOS site to the new one, and all in order to do this work again in January 2014 (anti-respect to lawyers and OOS developers!). In July 2013, the company participated in the “For Fair Purchases” project under the patronage of the Popular Front, developing a technology for identifying corruption purchases that originally appeared in our additional non-profit Roskartel project ( In the third quarter of 2013, the technical department completely redesigns the main software part of the resource: the search becomes even more high-quality, and performance improves. Throughout the year, there is an active correspondence with technical support for the environmental protection system, the sites of competitors are closely studied (in some places obvious plagiarism is revealed). It would be foolish to say that everything goes perfectly and without jambs. A certain part of the time is spent on working with claims, on “extinguishing fires,” but it is this component that helps us to make our service better by “curing” it from defects. The results of this path are a team that has grown from 10 to 30 people, profits that have exceeded all expectations, 1,500 new customers, good ideas in developing new services for public procurement, and confidence in the future prospects of our project. Here comes the understanding that the IST-Budget service took place as an independent, self-sustaining project and the first “stones” are laid in the foundation of two new projects: legal and social. increased from 10 to 30 people, profit that exceeded all expectations, 1,500 new customers, good ideas in developing new services for public procurement, and confidence in the future prospects of our project. Here comes the understanding that the IST-Budget service took place as an independent, self-sustaining project and the first “stones” are laid in the foundation of two new projects: legal and social. increased from 10 to 30 people, profit that exceeded all expectations, 1,500 new customers, good ideas in developing new services for public procurement, and confidence in the future prospects of our project. Here comes the understanding that the IST-Budget service took place as an independent, self-sustaining project and the first “stones” are laid in the foundation of two new projects: legal and social.

    2014 year

    The beginning of the current year can be easily compared for us with martial law: the law on the contract system comes into force, the environmental protection system undergoes global online processing. Constant hourly monitoring of the official website shakes the nerves. And what else can be done when almost every day the OOS developers "update" the site, data collection by parsers becomes impossible, as a result of which - data can be collected much later with ftp, having lost its relevance. Nevertheless, by the beginning of March 2014 the situation was becoming more or less stable, and the company was returning to its priorities: attracting new customers, working with the “old” audience, finalizing existing products, and brainstorming to create new and fresh. Improved resource functionality: added the ability to search the registry of contracts, according to procurement plans, according to the register of unscrupulous suppliers. Much attention is paid to promotion in search engines. From household trifles: we repaired the office, purchased furniture, we are preparing for a thorough expansion of the public procurement market, there is still work and work.
    The story does not end there. In general, there is a feeling that everything is just beginning. Every day of the workflow is new discoveries, new people, new ups and, sometimes, falls. Introductory article, general. Further there will be more specifics and a lot of interesting things.
    And the final thought, which is very important for us: the IST-Budget project in 2014 not only works to pay for itself and make a profit for the owners, which is actually pretty good, but also gradually invests in new projects: money, time, human and mental resources.

    This year was the year of the birth of the new concept of the company, in a word you can designate it as "multi-design." This idea can be expressed in more detail as follows: an IT company should have several projects with its own teams, budget and working conditions; at the time of aggravation of some problems of one of the projects, resources from other areas are attracted, which helps to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the crisis. Of course, we will tell you more about our projects a little later, including, and with the words of our technical experts.

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