Dropbox - get an additional 9 GB in one day

    Service Dropbox I started using recently. By the way, when I tried, I wondered for a long time why I started using it only now, although I had heard about it for a long time - everything is very convenient.

    As you know, after registration, a free space of 2 GB is available for a free account. This space can be increased up to 11 GB in various ways. Next, I will tell you in more detail about all the known methods, as well as a small life hack.

    So, after registering for the service, we have 2 GB. We begin to increase.

    1) We go to the Get Started page , there we perform various actions on points (it can be out of order), after completing 6 actions out of 7 we get 250mb. Total we have 2.25 GB.

    2) Then we go to the special page Free, there we can get as many as 640 free megabytes. To do this, you need to perform just a few simple steps:
    • Connect to your Twitter account
    • Connect to your Facebook account
    • Follow @Dropbox on Twitter
    • Tell your friends why you love Dropbox;)
    • Tell your friends about Dropbox on Twitter
    For each action we get 128mb. Total 2.89 GB.

    3) We receive registration on your referral link. For each registration and installation of the application (installation is required) we get 250mb. Maximum 8GB. You can get your referral link on this page below.

    And here the fun begins: either we can distribute our link to friends, acquaintances and other Internet (which will take a lot of time and low efficiency), or use a little trick. ;)

    For the trick, we will use contextual advertising. I preferred Google AdWords because I had money there. I think that any system will work here. Created one ad, used one keyword “dropbox”.

    The campaign lasted three days. I decided to start carefully, with a budget of 50 rubles / day. The second day was 100 rubles / day, the third - 150 rubles / day. Also, I first set the option so that the ads showed at the maximum speed, but it seemed to me ineffective, and in the middle I returned the default value - to show evenly.

    So, at the end of the third day I had an additional 8 GB from referral registrations. True, I did not have time to stop the campaign in time and received some large expenses due to idle transitions / registrations.

    Total we have 10.9 GB.

    Here are the statistics for the campaign: And the ad looked like this:

    Oh yes, you ask why the topic is called "get an additional 9 GB in one day"? Well, because I'm sure that they can be obtained in one day, it all depends on your capabilities and desires. :)

    By the way, in the comments, please share your stories about how you used the method described above.

    UPD They suggested
    another way: www.dropbox.com/edu - 500mb each for verification of the email in the .edu zone

    UPD of 02/26/2012
    There were reports that they started banning Google AdWords accounts for this. So use this method at your own risk.

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