iOS8 - New WiFi Connection Policy

Yesterday, a network screenshot of the network policy in iOS8 appeared on the network.

At first glance, nothing interesting for the layman. But the last line makes it clear that in iOS8 when scanning WiFi networks, the phone will generate random MAC addresses, thereby not giving clues for the so-called “network profile” - when your movement can be tracked by the statistics of transitions from point to point.

As an example, a small study of access points on Makhnetten during which researchers easily tracked the movement of people around the city based only on the data of MAC addresses. Separately, this report states that no user was warned, but the data was not personalized.

Informal reaction from Yandex:

The whole discussion, including the answer to the question - How to live on ?!

The first steps toward getting rid of snooping, although perhaps it’s preparation for Apple’s iBeacon.

PS: At least 5 different scripts are following you on this page.

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