Toaster. Tag Collective Editing

    Our global goal is to make the Toaster community as self-managing as possible. This means that most decisions must be made by the community itself. Achieving everything at once is quite difficult, so we are moving in small steps. And today we are introducing a new collaborative tag editing system.

    Tags on the Toaster are the basis of user interaction. With the help of tags, we direct our questions to those people who are subscribed to these tags, and therefore who are just like we are interested in these topics and can give us an answer. What have we done.

    Firstly, the tags have pictures. It seems to us that each tag is a kind of totem. It’s true, when a new person for us says, for example: “HTML5, CSS3, AJAX,” does everything become clear to us right away? And each totem should certainly have its own picture symbol. On the other hand, pictures significantly speed up and simplify our perception of information, which is also, no doubt, good.


    Secondly, tags have descriptions. After all, we want to be able to agree, for example, that on the AJAX tag we will ask each other questions about an asynchronous Java script, and not about a hero of a Trojan war?


    Thirdly, each tag now has synonyms: alternative names for the same term. For example, we often call the same AJAX the “Ajax” and hopelessly hope that everyone will remember how a particular tag is wired on the Toaster. Synonyms are involved in the search, along with the tag name itself: both in the global search on the site and in the tips of the tag field on the question form.


    And finally, fourthly, we have made it possible to collectively edit all of the above attributes! Each registered user for any tag can offer their own version of the picture, description or synonyms. These offers come to our moderators, and they either accept the new version or reject it. To offer your version of this or that tag attribute, you need to go to the tag page and click on the "Tag Setting" button.


    The following settings page will open. For each tag attribute, you can see its current approved version, or you can switch and see the version suggested by other users. You can immediately offer your own version.


    This is how switching between the current and user versions of the tag looks like.



    The moderator receives notifications about each new version and either accepts the offer or rejects it. The user version either becomes current or is deleted. In any case, after a moderator’s decision, the user's version disappears from the list of versions on the settings page.

    If you want to make the Toaster better, to use it more convenient, so that more people join, more interesting questions and answers appear - we invite you to participate in editing tags! First of all, look at which tags you are subscribed to, and which of them do not have pictures of descriptions and synonyms. This is something that can be improved first.

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