Bypassing the upcoming limit on international mail *

    imageOnce the fire of the sciatic spots of Internet shopping users quenched after loud statements by those in power about the impending radical reduction of the duty-free limit on international mail (IGOs). The Finance Ministry scared us with the imminent demise of virtual purchases abroad and went into the shadows. Everyone froze in anticipation, in what size and, most importantly, when will the limits be officially approved and accepted by the customs officers?

    Fresh forecast: Day D will be July 5, then the amount of the duty-free limit will be officially proclaimed. However, on the sidelines of the customs brokers bet that until the end of 2014. the limits, even if approved, will not come into force ... Rumors are rumors, but one thing is clear, sooner or later the limits will take effect, and then the moneybags fromAssociations of e-commerce companies will finally begin to cut loot.

    But for every cunning ass, as you know ...

    While we entertained ourselves by voting on the ROI for the abolition of the introduction of the customs limit, people whose business is directly connected with international mail, were looking for ways to get around.

    Yes, the well-known forwarders (Shopfans, Banderolka, Mainbox, Polar Express) began to work out the following options:
    - delivery via Kazakhstan, Belarus with the internal limits of the customs union were noted due to the increase in the cost of delivery.
    - Delivery through the European Union, in particular sending on demand to Finland, also proved to be problematic from a logistical point of view ...

    And here Shopfans were the first to break through . Today the company issued a "press release" in which it announced the following:in one physical package for one addressee there may be goods for as many as the number of recipients. Moreover, the customs limit for each recipient is separate.
    Follow the logic: the parcel has an addressee - this is the person who will directly receive the physical parcel. But now, in addition to the addressee, the parcel also has recipients who bring their things in this parcel, but the courier does not need it when presenting the parcel, only one addressee is needed.

    What this gives us:
    If, for example, on June 5, a limit of $ 200 per person is introduced, then:
    1) you can create a parcel in which there are 10 pieces of Moto E for $ 129 each.
    2) At the same time, each Moto E will have its own customs recipient (1 addressee and 9 recipients, total 10).
    3) For each recipient, the customs limit does not exceed $ 200, despite the fact that in the mail box of goods it flies by $ 1290.
    4) the shipping cost of 10 phones is washed away at all, while no one pays a fee
    5) profit

    Now sending a parcel to work with at least thirty identical goods within the customs limit is now easier than ever, you only need copies of your colleagues' passports at the stage of filling out the declaration in a personal office.

    What you need to provide for this:
    Only copies of recipient passports at the stage of entering goods into the declaration. Damn, even when receiving the parcel by the addressee, only his passport is required, the passports of the “recipients” that are delivered in the parcel by the trailer are not needed.

    What can not be done with this method:
    But to receive goods whose value exceeds the size of the customs limit (say $ 200), even having entered all of your pedigree, is impossible.

    The bottom line
    Elegant method, no doubt. Moreover, it has already been commissioned by Shopfans and you can, well, send 30 iPhones in one package and not pay a penny of duty (the limit is still 1000 euros), armed with thirty passports of colleagues on the open space.

    And I do not want to scuffle, but the gentlemen from AKIT seem to have fought for what, they ran into something. Now, making joint purchases has become, on the contrary, safer, which means that the flow of boxes with Calvin Klein shoes will only increase.

    By the way, this thing has a fairly simple solution under the hood. Brokers provide documents to the FCS as if each addressee receives their goods separately, so the FCS does not have any understanding in which box the goods went together or separately.

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