IT service or service in IT - how to make the client a little happier?

    All companies that, in one way or another, base their business on the provision of services in the IT sector (and I'm talking about IT outsourcers, integrators, hosters, development companies, etc.), strive to provide quality services.
    However, very often, when customers leave the company, no one, starting from simple enikeev, ending with top managers, cannot fully understand why this happened.

    In companies where I worked / whom I provided my services, similar situations often occurred. And although it is often difficult to pinpoint the cause, you can follow the basic rules, compliance with which will help make the client happier. When I asked top managers, project managers, programmers, system administrators what to do in order to please the client, I heard: “release new versions more often”, “hire qualified staff”, “keep deadlines”, “manage projects more intelligently” " etc.

    At the same time, it turned out that the problems, due to which another customer was lost, lie in the other. In the little things that often lie on the surface. Most often, all problems lie not in the technical part of the project, but in communication, in what rules the staff do notfollow when communicating with the client.
    It is about these seemingly basic rules of communication, I want to talk under the cat.

    I have met many times the situation when two organizations provide the same service, one does it qualitatively and well, the other poorly and “on the knee”, while customers are much happier when they cooperate with the second.
    So what needs to be done differently?

    Be "your man."

    It may seem to you that you can solve a customer’s technical problem more quickly if you start working on a problem right now and successfully ignore the customer. However, in reality, human interaction, such as a telephone conversation, a personal conversation or a couple of IM messages, is a key element in the problem resolution process. You can solve the problem in 10 minutes, while ignoring the client's desire to "chat", or spend 15 minutes to communicate and solve the problem. Guess yourself when the client feels that he is valued.
    Be friendly and polite. Do not ignore customers, listen to everything they say. Pay attention to the things that follow to return, write them down and do not forget. And the most important thing (I often had to see the opposite, so I have to write about it ): first we think, then we speak.

    Follow the customer service cycle.

    Most customer interactions should follow a standard cycle. It consists of 3 phases: Initiation (receipt of an application) -> Problem resolution / solution of the problem -> Final communication.
    And if most organizations have no problems with the first two stages, then here is the last step in very many companies gone nowhere. I do not get tired of repeating - having solved the client's problem, I need to tell him about it. Customers should know what you, as a contractor or service provider, are doing for him. The final communication is a great chance to tell how you solved his problem, try to “sell” additional services or services, and also to find out from the client whether he is satisfied with everything and whether it is possible to close the application.

    Do not be biased, do not be rude to the client.

    I think this item does not even need to comment. Just remember that the client appeals to you as an expert in a particular issue, and appeals to help him, and not to feel more stupid. Avoid sarcasm, rudeness and any other manifestations of their discontent with the client. It seems to me very strange to even mention this, but I witnessed how the staff of the first line Helpdesk made fun of the inability of an employee of another department to do this or that thing, which he should be able to do, for example, plug in headphones. This is unacceptable, comrades.
    Try not to use technical slang in a conversation with customers, be objective.

    Remember - the client is deceiving you!

    It is not joke. The probability that the initial application from the client, the problem or task is described completely (or whatever the necessary task is described there) is extremely small. Yes, the client may, and unintentionally deceives you, but what he has said may precisely be misleading. And the fact that you didn’t spend time finding out all the details is just your problem. I remind you, the client is not an expert, that's why you were hired.
    At the same time, when you “caught” a client you don’t have to blame him for this, try to keep an open mind. Do not try to "translate arrows." Use phrases like “This mistake is often made” or “I understand why you thought so”; find and mention something in which the client was right, and then explain his / her error.

    Learn how to deliver bad news.

    Very often they asked me: how to tell a client something that he does not want to hear, and at the same time not harm the company's image? In fact, it is very difficult, I would call it art - to tell the client something bad and at the same time preserve its positive attitude towards the company as a whole.
    Try to follow the following principles:
    - Empathize with the client. No need to present bad news as the morning weather forecast. Let the customer know that you care.
    - Go to the point. Do not beat around the bush, do not use the phrase "I have 2 news for you ...". Use emollient turns (such as “I am very sorry, but ...”). Fernnost news with short succinct explanations, and then "calm down." Do not try to soften them with anything else.
    - Offer a solution plan. You can not change the past, but you can find a way out of this situation. This is especially important when the problem arose due to the fault of the client. At such times, always leave the client “exit through the backyard” so that the client can get out of the situation with a sense of respect for himself. Such curtsies will not be forgotten.
    - Be prepared for personal attacks. Expect that you will be blamed, do not try to make excuses. Regardless of the emotional state of the client, retain professionalism.

    Get standards and SLA.

    Without any standards within the company, it is very difficult for employees to understand what kind of service they should provide to the client. The presence of such standards and rules will help to maintain a high level of service for several clients at once. Standards should show the employee how well done work looks. They can begin with sample letters sent to the client, ending with complex technical instructions that will help to complete the task.

    As a conclusion.

    On this topic, you can talk endlessly, write an unlimited number of posts and articles, conduct thousands and hundreds of thousands of trainings and briefings.
    Just remember: as an IT service provider, you must interact with a customer in order to address their technical questions and concerns. To do this effectively, you / your staff need to develop skills that will help communicate with the client in a positive and professional way.
    As a service technician, you need not only technical knowledge, but also certain communication and customer management skills. Your level of technical knowledge can allow you to solve problems quickly and efficiently, but without an understanding of how to interact with the customer correctly, you cannot really “serve” customers.

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