Programmers at MBLT DEV 2018

    Hi, Habr!

    We have published the schedule of the MBLT DEV 2018 conference - under the cut we are telling about new reports and activities that are waiting for you on September 28.

    And we also liked to invent quests so much that we decided to publish a new puzzle in honor of the Day of the programmer. Solve it and get a gift.

    Reports on MBLT DEV 2018

    Evgeny Zubkov, Android developer from Revolut , will talk about creating and optimizing dynamic graphics: how to create your own View, draw on the Canvas a continuously variable graph. Let us analyze the nuances and ways to optimize the process.

    Let's turn to the dark side of development and listen to the report by Nikolai Volosatov , iOS developer at AppMetrica . We learn the story of "crime and punishment": how and why did the AppMetrica team once used the Private API and what was behind it. Let us analyze the methods of analysis and protection from the system and application code.

    Denis Kozhuhov , iOS developer at TsUM, will tell about the difficulties that his team faced when working with a basket of goods, what solutions they tried to apply, and that in the end turned out to be the most optimal.


    At MBLT DEV 2018 will also perform:

    See the full list of speakers and conference program on the website .

    Ask the Speaker

    Discussion zones will work on the site all day. After the report, the speaker will be able to answer all the questions, so if you want to know what favorite series from John Fox from Netflix, then you can definitely do it. Well, do not miss the chance to tell the top developers about your project, for sure they will be able to advise you something that will make working on it easier.


    The developers of e-Legion will test your knowledge - at MBLT DEV 2018 we will hold two quizzes on iOS and Android. Be ready to remember the history of the development of platforms, teams and much more. The cleverest and fastest give gifts.

    More contests

    Waiting for you at MBLT DEV 2018. The guys from Revolut have prepared a speed test - answer the questions about the development and history of IT companies and get prizes again!

    This activity does not end there. Follow the updates on the official pages on the social networks of the conference: VK , FB .

    And here is the problem

    We have prepared a task for you, solve it and get a gift. Do not write the answer in the comments, but it is not so interesting.

    Given: 9 words, 9 tasks.
    Task: calculate 9 characters.
    Слова нужно предварительно расшифровать. Из каждого слова понадобится одна буква.

    The words:

    1. NPGVBA
    2. TBBTYR
    4. NCC
    5. NAQEBVQ
    6. FPERRA
    7. Vbf
    8. ZOYGQRI
    9. NCCYR


    1. x1 = 1 + 1
    2. x2 = max ((2 * x1 + 1) * sin (t)) with t ∈ [0, + ∞]
    3. 2 * x3 ^ 2 - 3 * x3 = 2
    4. x4 = 2018! ^ (tanh (x) '- 1) with x = 0
    5. x5 - the first number of Sophie Germain
    6. x6 - how many times this character is used in the code
    7. x7 = fib (n) with n = 3
    8. x8 = log (2 * (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7))
    9. x9 = abs (3 + 4i)

    Did you solve it? Well done! Use your gift on the link .

    See you at MBLT DEV 2018 on September 28 in Moscow!

    Organizers: e-Legion and RAEC
    Partners: Alfa-Bank, TsUM, Revolut, Google, Skyeng, JetBrains, AppMetrica, Rosbank

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