Deodar workspace for Linux

    Is this Norton Commander? Is this Volkov Commander? Is this Dos Navigator? Is this Far Manager?
    No, this is Deodar, the new workspace for Linux.
    Deodar is hosted on GitHub, based on Node.js, written in JavaScript plus some C ++.
    Distributed under anti-license. Gratis, that is, for nothing.
    In this article, with a large number of pictures and a small number of explanations, you can familiarize yourself with what is already there.
    Yes, "Deodar" is such a tree, Cedrus Deodara grows high in the mountains, very beautiful.


    Russian language, quick search in the panel.

    Yellow - means selection, they say to children and adolescents for more than one decade. Pay attention to the highlighting of some types of files.

    Linux has such an important concept as dotfiles. Their display in the panel is switched by pressing the Control-точка

    Virtual root. Usually, going to the top, to the previous or parent directory is displayed by two points at the top of the list, in this case you do not see these two points, because Deodar panels have the ability to consider some directories as disks, this is for those who want to focus on work in this directory. (Or just used) The

    number of columns can be increased or decreased by pressing Control-1and Control-2.


    File Transfer Start Dialog Files are

    copied. There is an animation of the progress. So far, there are no settings when copying, all files are replaced by those that already exist with the same name, all subdirectories are copied.

    Delete files and folders.


    There is a simple guide. But you will learn more hot keys by looking at norton.jsand the edit.js

    Output window displays the result of the execution of commands. For the duration of the command execution, the command input line is hidden. But the output window itself is a full Linux console compatible with xterm.

    There is a search for files by the occurrence of a substring in the name.

    Search the contents of files for the occurrence of a substring. The found file can be edited immediately by clicking F4.

    A jump historically called the Drive Menu. Disc menu.

    But there are no disks in Linux, but there are inodes, mount points, and so on, so the familiar feature is called the most common name, “Jump.” I took the liberty and changed the usual hotkeys to access this window, from ancient times it was Alt-F1andAlt-F2, in Deodar, they were replaced by simply F1and F2. Such a radical step is explained by the fact that this opportunity is used very often.

    Editing a jump. The list of where you can skip is configured by the user himself, this is ordinary JavaScript, not even JSON, that is, you can not just enter a direction, but write a function that performs any action, for example, mounting a disk before a jump.

    Editing (editor)

    Editing a new file begins by pressing Shift-F4.

    Editing the source code on JavaScript.

    White backlight.

    Editor's black style

    Blue - green coloring and text in the editor

    Shift-Control-Cmarks the selected stocks as single-line notes (comments). Shift-Control-X performs the opposite action.

    After pressing Shift-Control-X

    Search in the edit. Please note that the selected text is immediately marked across the screen, for example, you can highlight the variable name and immediately see where and how many times it occurs.

    Permanent labels, if you press Control-M then the selected text becomes a permanent label, you can view and edit, and the label will be highlighted everywhere. You can repay by pressing the same keys.

    Табin editing, adds indentation to the selected text, will шифт-табproduce the opposite effect.


    Although Deodar’s task in a number of important functions is to replace the console, a standard terminal is indispensable for working in Linux. Therefore, you see bashrunning in Deodar. You can click Control-Oand switch between bashand panels, in panels you can edit any file, for example.

    You can also run an ncurses application, for example, Midnight Commander.

    Here you can see how the panels and the output window are connected into a single whole. This is the most important ability of Deodar, ideologically inherited from the "Norton" itself - the system console is tightly and conveniently integrated with other functions.

    The application launched in the console can be stopped by clicking Control-C. To start the application in the background, add an ampersand to its name.

    An example of running sudo, you can leave one panel, it is obvious that the terminal supports colors.

    The window has terminal Scroll-Back, history buffer, to apply it to scroll in the mouse wheel and hot keys Control-PageUp, Control-PageDown, Control-Home. So the errors in your Makefile will not disappear.


    All screenshots in this article were made with deliberately reduced windows, this was done for the convenience of reading the article, in fact, the window can be opened at least to the full screen.

    Insert text. The clipboard in the console is connected to the system clipboard, as you can see, select the URL on the GitHub website and click Control-Inserton the command line to get this URL.

    You can also select text in the output window, this is done with the right mouse button.

    “Under the hood” at the front of the Deodar, the Intervision library. Here is an example of a test application on Intervision for debugging the selection (focus) of windows.


    If someone wants to install Deodar, look at the source code, write a bug report, fork, read (or pee) the wiki, then the GitHub project home page:

    If you have any questions, you can write in the comment or you can create issues on github.

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