State and the Internet: how to avoid a power scenario

    The other day Runet celebrates 20 years . It's time to think about how to smear a kid from the army, otherwise they will quickly build and shave in the prime of life. I apologize for the spreading metaphor, but the trend is sad: all kinds of censorship, restrictions and prohibitions have lately been falling like a rusty bucket. And I would very much like that the 30th anniversary of Runetik should not be celebrated in a deep underground.


    The state seriously took up the Network, seeing in it a threat to its existence. The Internet, of course, is resisting, inventing new ways to circumvent state restrictions and prohibitions, which in turn are becoming more and more rigid. All this is reminiscent of an arms race, in which, as you know, nobody succeeds in winning, so the path is initially dead end - is it possible to make absolute armor that an absolute sword cannot penetrate?

    It is necessary to change the power scenario by convincing the authorities that the Runet is able to hear it and understand why it has become a state for the state, which must be pressed in to the full. We need to prove that we are able to self-regulate, so thanks, we don’t need to hammer us from above.

    This problem seems to be going to discuss at the RIF. But quietly in an additional program, not the main one! Although in fact this is the most important issue today, and only having solved it, you can generally plan the rest. Without this, all online businessmen are frying their marketing egg on an active volcano. Those traveling to the RIF - vote for this discussion to take place.

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