To live well on February 23

    Although the holiday indicated in the name has already passed, and the organizers managed to tell about it “briefly” , I can’t be silent. The public should know what is going on within the walls of ABBYY on this day!

    Girls are traditionally very pleased with the preparation of the holiday. Telling this is almost pointless. You have to go through it :) At worst - see, and here I will try to show.

    Under the cut a lot of pictures (~ 4 Mb), not enough text.

    Stewardess girls greet early morning arrivals. I mean come before noon :). I myself, unfortunately, overslept, but heard a lot.

    Come, they’re giving you candy like on an airplane, “welcome aboard,” they distract you with a ticket. But the metal detector in the hands is not good.

    When you understand it, it's too late.

    - Is there anything forbidden to carry? What does it squeak? Is it a wedding ring ?! Arms up, feet shoulder width apart, do not move!

    You come to the workplace, and there is a magazine.

    There are a lot of different things in it, I will show a couple of cartoons.

    The first is about the director of the Russian office, who, apparently, is a fan of riding a bike. And the second one beats the name, which, if anyone does not know, is part of the ABBYY group of companies.

    Then there was breakfast:

    Insider photo from the kitchen. The blue boxes are the same as in airplanes.

    But the filler is prepared for them. Om-Nom-nom!

    They say it was delicious :)

    And the service is on the level. The chief analyst of the company Olga Olyunina in the image.

    We don’t waste time in vain; we learn to put on life jackets. Rumor has it that girls taught this by example, but no photo was found right away. So you have to be content with a presentation slide.

    In the afternoon at the office, one could notice the girls with trolleys:

    They delivered pies and drinks, offered something from duty-free:

    - Cherry juice, please!

    It was possible to cheer up and a coffee maker. A professional barista visited the office.

    He created a special coffee magic.

    - Hey, don’t delay, pass around!

    The evening was inexorably approaching, and with it the main events.


    Contests with Prizes

    - Guys, We Need a Plan!

    In parallel, different events are held in different rooms of the building.

    - It was yours - it will be ours! :)


    CEO: “After 2 minutes, report to me on the number and composition of the mafia group at this table!”

    Chief Analyst: “According to our data, the mafia was eliminated in the last game!”

    CEO: * looks suspiciously *

    Five minutes earlier. "Civilians fall asleep, the mafia woke up."

    Meanwhile, at Cloud # 7

    , we don’t need nine hundred - two in two hundred and five hundred!

    On this mini-review, perhaps, I will finish and move on to the goal of the post.

    On behalf of the entire team of men of the company, I thank the girls for a wonderful holiday. I wish them to remain as attractive, creative and cheerful. I hope that the event brought them as many positive emotions as we did. Judging by the photos, it happened :)

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