University timetable: made an “Alarm Clock” in front of couples and an online form to fill out a timetable

    We work at the “University Schedule” company , we make mobile applications (iOS, Android, Windows Phone), in which the curriculum of students and teachers is published.

    At the beginning of February, we did a survey on Habré : what features should we do and should we do at all.

    We collected 200 answers, the results were as follows (first 4 places in order of popularity):

    1. Ability to share tasks
    2. Couple Reminders (Alarm)
    3. University Directory
    4. Group chat

    We did not include “The ability to edit and share your schedule” in the survey, because we have been working on this for a long time. Thought it would be fast, it turned out, as always. But this is on the way.

    Between this, we managed to release a simple, but it seems to us, useless feature “Alarm Clock”.

    Alarm clock
    The peculiarity of our alarm clock compared to the usual one is that he himself knows when the student has the first pair and can be set how many hours before the first pair to wake up. In addition, you can set another alarm in front of each pair, setting how many minutes before the pair to remind.

    Online form to fill out a schedule


    Earlier, in order to publish our schedule in our application, it was necessary to either upload to us in the JSON format from the database or manually interrupt the Excel file using our template and instructions. This scared many, it seems to us. We made an online form so that you can fill out directly on the site. This form itself forms us JSON, which we import into our database. It is clear that the form can still be optimized for a long time, and we will be grateful to our users for feedback on it.

    Functionality for teachers

    We noticed that not only students use our application, but also some teachers, so we wanted to think in this direction too. In particular, what kind of functionality teachers need in a mobile application with a schedule. We made a survey questionnaire for this. If you have a familiar teacher (it doesn’t matter if he uses our application or not), then please give him a link to our profile:

    If you are a teacher , we will be grateful for your comments on this post.

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