How to move from the goals of the technical support unit to indicators that employees understand
To connect the goals voiced by the business to the technical support unit with the understanding of the performers, how they can influence their achievement.
Initial settings and simplifications:
- We will consider internal customer support;
- We believe that the state of the application changes instantly and at the same time as the real state of the objects changes (i.e., the time of registration of circulation = time of occurrence of need, time of closing of circulation = time of completion of required actions);
- try not to wind up the detail.
To implement the task, it is actually necessary to single out the criteria on the basis of which you can consciously “steer” the priorities (order of solution) of the tasks and determine the rules for evaluating these criteria.
Justification (theory):
The target of the business is to minimize losses from incidents and untimely completed service requests.
Let's try to determine what affects the target indicator:

On this, we close the theoretical research and try to process their fruits.
Because loss rate the value for each application can be considered constant, then at the level of the support unit to reduce losses, you can only manage the duration of the applications or, in other words, first complete the most expensive applications for the business.
How to help prioritize or how to evaluate loss rate C:
In absolute terms, the task is not lifting (yes, and not particularly necessary), therefore, the option of using estimates is proposed, namely, we consider the cost proportional to our estimate:

Moreover, we will not be very worried about the value of the proportion coefficient itself, because we will consider this value constant, and then it will be possible to pass from losses to their estimation (O):

What to do with this assessment Oi? To decompose into more understandable and easily assessed parameters, on which losses actually depend on:

Actually, by estimating the cost of losses, that’s all. As a result, an incomprehensible cost was reduced to a "widely known" scheme of expert assessments.
Example parameters (partially taken from ITIL):
- The degree of influence is the degree of loss from regular functioning on an elementary object / service.
- Criticality of loss is a relative estimate of the magnitude of losses at one elementary object / service due to a problem.
- The scale of the problem is a quantitative assessment of the elementary objects affected by the problem.
Further, it is worth saying that the weights of these parameters are determined experimentally. But in the end we get a list of priority calls.
The goal for the client / sponsor to reduce losses is transformed into familiar indicators that can be influenced by employees of support departments:
- work time;
- work order.
It seems that nothing new was invented in the course of reasoning, but when an employee follows this path of reasoning, his worldview: “Why is all this” and “Why is everything just like that” can change dramatically.
Also, the foregoing can be used to automate the prioritization of applications.
I hope the thoughts outlined turn out to be useful.