Invitation to Frontend Developer Conf by Artem Zakharchenko

    Artyom Zakharchenko will be one of the speakers at Frontend Dev Conf'14. Conference website -

    Workshop: "Building a multi-start-in reality full-stack javascript»

    Part 1:
    • Description of the task. (Creating a service for photographers. Processing and developing proprietary RAW formats NEF, CR2, DNG, creating a photo editor in a browser, Collaboration service based on WebRTC)
    • Backbone as a minimal prototyping framework
    • Marionette: is it worth it to overshoot, and when?
    • Git - headache pill

    Part 2:
    • Binary data processing - js time machine that sends to the past
    • WebRTC peer-to-peer communication. Best practices
    • Processing huge amounts of data - WebWorkers / Performance tricks.

    And here is a video invitation from Artem himself. Come to Minsk!

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