Python-digest # 18. News, interesting projects, articles and interviews [March 9, 2014 - March 16, 2014]

    The latest news about python and nearby technologies has arrived. Interesting videos in Russian about django, articles on how to measure code coverage with tests, about decorators and trees. In general, everyone will find something interesting.

    Thanks owlman75 for the illustration, as well as everyone who sends news on the digest tool . There are even spammers> <

    It's no secret that I collect news from the PythonWeekly and PyCoders mailing lists as well. This time it turned out to be a rather funny situation - we collected news so well that almost all the materials from the Friday newsletter were in our previous issue. PythonWeekly seems to be a week behind real news. In addition, announcements of all materials as they are added are available.

    Articles and interviews


    Books and documentation

    • We program in Python
      . Peter publishes a fresh edition of Michael Dawson’s book in Russian and recommends it as an ideal guide for beginners to learn Python.

    Interesting projects, tools, libraries


    • Python 3.3.5
      A bug fix release - including regression in zipimport, a problem with the encoding declaration for Windows, the removal of a potential DOS in bytes.decode () and some others
    • makehuman 1.0.0
      MakeHuman is a program for creating three-dimensional models of people for any purpose - illustrations, animations, games. Entirely written in Python

    Conferences, events, developer meetings

    • Dive into IT: spring workshops for developers in Kazan
      Promise beginners to help with immersion in the topic, and for experienced docks to open the way to further development, escorting unexpected solutions, little-known features and tricks to the world.

      Done 2 courses:
      - Web in Python
      - Advanced Python

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