Special Course Group-IB: “Mobile Application Security”
- Tutorial

Experts of Group-IB , one of the leading international companies for the prevention and investigation of cybercrime and high-tech fraud, prepared a two-month autumn course on mobile application vulnerabilities. We invite everyone who is interested in the information security of mobile technologies to apply for training.
The course starts on October 4, 2018. Submission of applications until September 15.
Why did we decide to create this course?
Have you ever thought that the issue of your privacy depends on a small startup - a mobile application developer, where quite ordinary people work, who can make a mistake at any moment and all your photos of cats (and not only them!) Will be in the open spaces the internet?
Our experts have created a course “Mobile application security” to teach young professionals to find and fix vulnerabilities in mobile applications, as well as to protect them from hacking attempts. Your applications will comply with international standards and security practices.
The classes are taught by practicing employees of Group-IB - information security specialists for mobile technologies.
You will learn:
- conduct a security audit of mobile devices;
- principles of device operating systems iOS and Android;
- understanding the basics of the development and operation of mobile software;
- static and dynamic code analysis;
- working with the most common mobile application vulnerabilities according to the OWASP Mobile Top 10 classification;
- control of interprocess and network interaction of mobile applications.
After passing through each key topic, students will have to complete homework assignments to consolidate their knowledge .
Who are we waiting for
First of all, students of 5-6 courses and postgraduate students in information security, as well as anyone interested in the topic of mobile application security.
If you have experience in developing mobile applications and you are interested in ensuring their information security, this course is for you!
The course is free. Upon completion of the course a certificate is issued from Group-IB.
And most importantly: Group-IB is ready to employ the best students or to involve them in joint research work.
How to get
Fill out and send the questionnaire strictly before September 15.
Place and time of the course:
Classes will be held on the basis of the REC of IU-8, Bauman Moscow State Technical University weekly on Thursdays from 19:10 to 20:45 .
The special course starts on October 4th.
Join now!