Reviews Their role in the life of a freelancer and not only

    An important aspect of any money-related business is reputation. A person who gives his money wants (albeit in vain) to feel confident in a positive outcome, that his money will not be wasted.

    Freelance , located at the crossroads of the Internet and money, is in difficult conditions. On the one hand, the Internet promotes anonymity; everything is unsteady on the Internet. On the other hand, money does not like anonymity, as well as fluctuations.

    Offline is easier - there is a specific person, some can boast of an office in a prestigious area, and in general there is a feeling of some materiality and weight. Online is harder with this.

    The most you can boast of is the site and reviews. Which is not dense, since both are easy to fake.

    In this article about reviews on our exchange and what we do to gain at least a small part of the weight that is so lacking online.

    We will talk about how it works on our exchange, how the reviews on the exchange differ from the reviews on our site, we will talk about falsifications in this area, how we deal with them and some statistics at the end.

    Who needs feedback?

    The customer is less interested in receiving feedback. Of course, they can be used as an argument in the discussion of prepayment, but hardly more than that.

    Freelancers are another thing. Without reviews, getting an order is much more difficult than with them. It is understandable, no one wants to be the first and check how the applicant matches what he says about himself. In general, this applies not only to freelance, in any situation where there is a buyer and seller, this is true.

    As implemented with us

    The mechanism is necessary, but implementation is also important. In our opinion, the important data in the recall are:

    • For which a review is left. We give a link to the order where you can familiarize yourself with the task. This will give an idea of ​​the complexity of the task, and in general makes it clear that the task was in principle.
    • Amount in the framework of cooperation. It’s one thing to recall a work for $ 1, another thing for $ 1000.
    • Who left a review. In this part, the difference in the authors of the review may give different weight to the review itself. It is much more difficult to fake reviews from people who have a rich history, who have collaborated many times, who have been in the service for a long time, and so on. From the account you can understand that this is a living, active person.
    • Rating left by the reviewer. The work could be done, but in the process there may be problems with the timing or communications.
    • Review text. There may be important details.
    • Publication date. Fresh reviews are more important than old ones. And we have very very old reviews.

    For convenience, we place these data in each review, it looks like this:

    Two reviews are nearby, the difference between the reviewers is clearly visible on them.

    Difference in Exchange Reviews

    Here you can pay attention to the differences between feedback on the exchange and recall on your site. On the stock exchange it is much easier to establish who left a review and how real this person is.

    He can have a story right here on the stock exchange, he can also be contacted and asked questions about cooperation with a specific person. It happens that not everything can be described in a review, because it is available to the recipient of the review directly.

    It’s more difficult to understand who and what left the review on the site controlled by the recipient of the review. Often there are no contacts and no activity with other counterparties.

    Reviews are not only good, but also bad!

    In some cases, of course. After all, reviews are not only positive, but also negative. The recipient of such a review does not always agree with the validity of such a review and, perhaps, never at all is glad about such a review.

    This is another reason why on an exchange that is not under the control of the recipient of the recall site, reviews are of great value. Here they are not only positive.

    It also regularly turns out that one person wants to leave a review for another, but cannot do this, since he did not follow the rules.

    This should be explained in more detail. Exchange of reviews is the final stage of cooperation.
    First, the customer publishes the order, the performers submit applications, then the customer selects one or more performers on the website, and after the completion of cooperation, the parties exchange feedback.

    The customer can choose the contractor only if he left the final application, that is, he confirmed that he was ready to cooperate on these conditions.

    Avoid reviews

    Unfortunately, the contractor is not always indicated on the exchange. This is partly due to the carelessness or negligence of the customer, despite the fact that subsequent publication of the review is, in fact, the only lever through which the customer can seriously influence the contractor.

    This is partly due to the fact that the performers know about this lever and avoid it consciously. Nobody wants to be influenced. Some customers abuse this lever, threatening to ruin their reputation, requiring additional work or something like that.
    Also, some performers avoid the choice of performer in order to save on our already modest commission.

    Another case is when the order was not on the stock exchange at all, or problems arose during cooperation on some other order, which was after a meeting on the stock exchange or even outside it.

    We simply cannot allow the publication of reviews from anyone to anyone - this bodes many problems for those wishing to spoil someone else's reputation and create chaos.

    Falsification of reviews

    They not only shy away from reviews, but also try to cheat them. Sometimes even evade and wind up (WHAT?).

    The goal is simple - to increase your weight, increase your position in the ranking. Not everyone is ready for a fair fight. Here here it is clear that at the initial stage is difficult. Not everyone is ready to overcome these difficulties and the search for easy ways is not uncommon.

    Also, scammers are trying to cheat reviews so that customers are more willing to agree to give them an advance payment.

    We deal with these phenomena in several ways:

    • Service Commission. This is not the best, and in view of the small size it is not very serious, but it is a protection against markups. Just riveting yourself a bunch of cool reviews costs money.
    • Control of multiple registrations. Here, the universal desire for anonymity on the network interferes with us pretty much, but we try to make sure that one person has one account. This is important to prevent the promotion of reviews and to avoid well-deserved negative reviews.
    • All sorts of subtle mechanisms that cannot be fully disclosed, but it can be said that one way or another, people behave differently on the Internet and an analysis of these factors allows you to link accounts.

    Simultaneous evasion and wrapping in one bottle are not mutually exclusive things. A person shies away from reviews from real customers because he is not sure of a positive outcome, is not ready to give his reputation into the hands of the customer, and at the same time writes reviews to himself. Sometimes it happens.

    Beginners freelancers are interested in reviews, growth in ratings and positions, in giving weight to the account.

    Old freelancers are not so interested in reviews. There is weight, there are already many reviews, and giving leverage to the customer is an additional risk in case of problems.
    Customers are interested in being able to post a review anyway.

    Entertaining facts

    • The maximum number of reviews by the artist is 913, in second place is 821
    • The maximum number of customer reviews is 773, in second place is 724
    • The maximum number of negative reviews is 12 at the customer and 10 at the freelancers
    • The maximum difference between the first and last recall for one user is more than 13 years
    • Negative reviews in the total mass of 2.7%

    Interesting in other entertaining facts? Ask, we will try to choose the numbers.

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