Impressions of creating a site on

    There is a site . It allows you to write (directly on the site) web applications on ruby ​​on rails and host them there.

    I decided to mold something small - to play around with this service.

    Thought and blinded imagaging hosting. Used swfuploaded (flash component) and javascript.
    Here it is - (the site is dead) - UPD.

    + full minimalism. nothing extra. selected a picture, it downloaded and received url.
    + IE is not supported. =)

    - in url - id records in the database. those. you can increase and decrease id to see what others have flooded
    - it works slowly. sometimes it shows 100% load, but the link doesn’t appear for a while.
    - a terrible exception is thrown by the wrong link. The reason - the environment is included not development but production. I won’t know how to change this (I changed it in environment.rb, but I don’t have any sense of restarting the server).
    - flash is required. why? I wanted to do AJAX, but on the rails you can’t transfer files ajax. it’s impossible without hacks.
    - there is no way to generate thumbnail
    - I do not know how many pictures there will still fit. I could not find information on the size of the provided database on the site.

    Having worked with heroku I will draw conclusions.

    + you can write a site in a browser
    + the latest version of rail
    + there is access to the console.
    + you can use generators
    + you can conveniently look at the logs
    + you can look at the data in the database.
    + free hosting

    Cons (this is still a BETA version, it should be taken into account)
    - the service is not documented. at all. it’s not clear how to do many things. it’s not clear how much MB
    is given - everything is very very slow. highly. now it hangs so that I can’t fix the cons of my project, it just doesn’t load.
    - a very poor code editor, it hangs constantly, the cursor disappears. horror
    - at the bottom of the page of your site they shove their socket. I hid it by writing a css piece.
    - Free users cannot connect to other

    UPD hosts . I won’t delete anything from you. so pour what you want, at the same time check how much fits =)

    UPD2.that seems to be the end of the resources. pff ... just some 30 pictures. I'm in shock. Moreover, now I can’t even go to the admin panel. “If this was a bandwidth overage, it will be accessible again tomorrow.” Everybody sleep.

    Well, the site is dead, it will continue to work only tomorrow.

    conclusion - at the moment is not suitable at all for creating any projects at all. Few people need a site that a couple of hundred people can’t stand. it can be used for testing, but this is nothing better than a localhost. end.

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