Fake S3 for offline development and saving money

    Curtis Spencer and colleagues at Spool developed a lightweight Fake S3 server that behaves like a real Amazon S3 and helps test projects without dropping data into the cloud or spending money on traffic. In addition, for testing, Fake S3 is more reliable because it works locally. Spencer says that thanks to Fake S3 they saved about $ 1,000 over the past month on traffic alone.


    gem install fakes3

    To start the server, you need to specify the host and port

    fakes3 -r /mnt/fakes3_root -p 4567

    Client Code Example

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'aws/s3'
    include AWS::S3
    AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!(:access_key_id => "123",
                                        :secret_access_key => "abc",
                                        :server => "localhost",
                                        :port => "10001")
     ('a'..'z').each do |filename|
      S3Object.store(filename, 'Hello World', 'mystuff')
    bucket = Bucket.find('mystuff')
    bucket.objects.each do |s3_obj|
      puts "#{s3_obj.key}:#{s3_obj.value}"
    Bucket.delete("mystuff",:force => true) # Delete your bucket and all its keys

    There is even the ability to emulate network conditions, for example, the maximum channel width.

    fakes3 -r ~/fakes3_root -p 10001 --limit=50K

    This command will limit the bandwidth for GET requests to 50K / s per request.

    Developers emphasize that their server is designed specifically for testing projects, and not for replacing S3. If you want to make an S3 replacement, they recommend using other tools for this: Ceph , ParkPlace (supports bitorrent), Boardwalk (S3 interface before MongoDB) and RiakCS .

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