Our vision
I sit for almost a day on the fly for a PC , and over the past 3 months I felt my vision go down ... although I didn’t even think that this could happen before, I decided to think about how to protect myself from this, or to minimize the risk of losing my eyesight.
1. What is an eye?
Well, we don’t learn anything new, but still:

2. Next, we’ll move on to monitors, or rather, to start with their types:
* CRT monitors
* Liquid crystal panels (LCD)
* Plasma displays (PDP)
* Organic LED monitors (OLEDs).
* Electroluminescent Monitors (ED)
* Vacuum Fluorescent Monitors (VFD)
* Electrostatic Emission Monitors (FED)
here I have listed all kinds of monitors that exist. But at the moment we are only interested in

* Liquid crystal panels (LCD)
3. Irradiation, real harm or myth? :
It is the mysterious radiations of the monitor that are usually primarily meant when they talk about the impact of the computer on health. In fact, this is far from the worst of the “computer” hazards. Although you do not need to forget about it either. But we are not talking about them now ...
So what is radiation?
When you hear the word “radiation”, first of all you start thinking about some kind of radiation, about something radioactive. So here. The monitor is not a source of radiation! Neither alpha, nor beta, nor gamma particles from the monitor fly out! The cathode ray tube of the monitor is a source of small doses of x-ray radiation. In some models of very old monitors manufactured in the 80s or earlier and which can still be found in some places now, X-ray radiation reached considerable values and could, during daily work, for several hours a day, really undermine the operator’s health, including provoke the appearance of various tumors. But from modern monitors, x-ray radiation is so scanty that we can’t talk about any harmful effects on health.
So no cacti are needed at all, except for beauty)
So what is all this myth about radiation? unfortunately not ...:
the monitor really generates electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic fields. And their impact on the health of the user can be very noticeable, as, in fact, was the case with monitors of old models (again, the 80s and earlier years of release).
But our state wasn’t sad
to mention it here, it is trying to protect us as efficiently as possible, it’s a pity that not everywhere: The

restrictions on electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic fields introduced by the TCO-95 and TCO-99 standards are so strict that they meet these standards monitors are almost completely safe even for children and pregnant women.
4.So what kind of harm does the monitor bring to vision?
When working with a computer, in contrast to reading a book, when you can easily find a convenient position, a person completely depends on the position of the display. In addition, the screen, as a light source, is considered an active contrast device (a sheet of paper - passive contrast), which is not so much dependent on the intensity of illumination and the angle of incidence of light. The image on the screen is dynamically updated. A low refresh rate (regeneration) causes the image to flicker.
Usually a person looks at the monitor screen for a long time. At the same time, the ocular and intraocular muscles remain motionless, while they need a dynamic mode of operation, which leads to their weakening.
Long work with a computer also requires increased concentration, which leads to increased stress on the human organs of vision. Visual fatigue develops, contributing to the occurrence of myopia, headache, irritability, nervous tension and stress.
From this we conclude: that the monitor does not impair vision, it only undermines its “immunity” and with the help of other factors “sun, light from a light bulb and so on” kills our eyesight ...
5. We will be safe
To avoid myopia, headache, irritability, nervous tension and stress, it must be remembered that the higher the resolution of the monitor, the more accurate and clear the image on the screen, and the less it tires the visual system.
External lighting in the room reduces the contrast of the image, but do not forget that an increase in brightness tires your eyesight. Glare on the monitor also greatly interferes with the perception of information from the screen, forces you to change the position of the head and body, strain your eyesight. Not only the load on the eyes, but also on the neck, back, shoulders and arms increases, which leads to rapid fatigue.
Sources of glare - light sources located near the monitor screen, light equipment, bright surfaces, curtainless windows and even light clothes of the user himself.
There are special methods of self-massage - complexes for relieving eye fatigue, which include exposure to biologically active points, as well as exercises to increase muscle tone and relieve tension of certain muscle groups. The techniques of color stimulation of visual and mental processes are also actively used. Tests of this program showed that it helps to increase visual acuity (up to 0.1 units in 60% -70% of the examined), reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms of visual fatigue (in 90%).
Personally, I would recommend 100% black glasses with a small hole in the center ... for training 20-40min per day, and the result is on the face!
1. What is an eye?
Well, we don’t learn anything new, but still:

2. Next, we’ll move on to monitors, or rather, to start with their types:
* CRT monitors
* Liquid crystal panels (LCD)
* Plasma displays (PDP)
* Organic LED monitors (OLEDs).
* Electroluminescent Monitors (ED)
* Vacuum Fluorescent Monitors (VFD)
* Electrostatic Emission Monitors (FED)
here I have listed all kinds of monitors that exist. But at the moment we are only interested in

* Liquid crystal panels (LCD)
3. Irradiation, real harm or myth? :
It is the mysterious radiations of the monitor that are usually primarily meant when they talk about the impact of the computer on health. In fact, this is far from the worst of the “computer” hazards. Although you do not need to forget about it either. But we are not talking about them now ...
So what is radiation?
When you hear the word “radiation”, first of all you start thinking about some kind of radiation, about something radioactive. So here. The monitor is not a source of radiation! Neither alpha, nor beta, nor gamma particles from the monitor fly out! The cathode ray tube of the monitor is a source of small doses of x-ray radiation. In some models of very old monitors manufactured in the 80s or earlier and which can still be found in some places now, X-ray radiation reached considerable values and could, during daily work, for several hours a day, really undermine the operator’s health, including provoke the appearance of various tumors. But from modern monitors, x-ray radiation is so scanty that we can’t talk about any harmful effects on health.
So no cacti are needed at all, except for beauty)
So what is all this myth about radiation? unfortunately not ...:
the monitor really generates electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic fields. And their impact on the health of the user can be very noticeable, as, in fact, was the case with monitors of old models (again, the 80s and earlier years of release).
But our state wasn’t sad
to mention it here, it is trying to protect us as efficiently as possible, it’s a pity that not everywhere: The

restrictions on electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic fields introduced by the TCO-95 and TCO-99 standards are so strict that they meet these standards monitors are almost completely safe even for children and pregnant women.
4.So what kind of harm does the monitor bring to vision?
When working with a computer, in contrast to reading a book, when you can easily find a convenient position, a person completely depends on the position of the display. In addition, the screen, as a light source, is considered an active contrast device (a sheet of paper - passive contrast), which is not so much dependent on the intensity of illumination and the angle of incidence of light. The image on the screen is dynamically updated. A low refresh rate (regeneration) causes the image to flicker.
Usually a person looks at the monitor screen for a long time. At the same time, the ocular and intraocular muscles remain motionless, while they need a dynamic mode of operation, which leads to their weakening.
Long work with a computer also requires increased concentration, which leads to increased stress on the human organs of vision. Visual fatigue develops, contributing to the occurrence of myopia, headache, irritability, nervous tension and stress.
From this we conclude: that the monitor does not impair vision, it only undermines its “immunity” and with the help of other factors “sun, light from a light bulb and so on” kills our eyesight ...
5. We will be safe
To avoid myopia, headache, irritability, nervous tension and stress, it must be remembered that the higher the resolution of the monitor, the more accurate and clear the image on the screen, and the less it tires the visual system.
External lighting in the room reduces the contrast of the image, but do not forget that an increase in brightness tires your eyesight. Glare on the monitor also greatly interferes with the perception of information from the screen, forces you to change the position of the head and body, strain your eyesight. Not only the load on the eyes, but also on the neck, back, shoulders and arms increases, which leads to rapid fatigue.
Sources of glare - light sources located near the monitor screen, light equipment, bright surfaces, curtainless windows and even light clothes of the user himself.
There are special methods of self-massage - complexes for relieving eye fatigue, which include exposure to biologically active points, as well as exercises to increase muscle tone and relieve tension of certain muscle groups. The techniques of color stimulation of visual and mental processes are also actively used. Tests of this program showed that it helps to increase visual acuity (up to 0.1 units in 60% -70% of the examined), reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms of visual fatigue (in 90%).
Personally, I would recommend 100% black glasses with a small hole in the center ... for training 20-40min per day, and the result is on the face!