GreenZoner - the new Lockerz?

Greenzoner is an innovative international environmental project. Taking part in this project, you can get valuable prizes! Launching projects requires help from a large group of active Internet users scattered around the world. Therefore, the first task that will bring you closer to the prizes is the creation and expansion of the Greenzoner community. Every time you invite new users, you get EEPs that bring you closer to the prizes!
This is a translation of the description from the official site. But what do we really have?
The project was launched relatively recently - two months have not passed since the site was launched. The ultimate goal of participation is prizes. The prizes are quite valuable - Apple iMac, iPad, iPhone, Apple MacBook Pro, etc. At the moment, one prize has been received - the Sony Playstation 3 game console. As practice has shown, the prize was received by a person with the necessary EEP amount to participate in the drawing, at that time it was 1000 and the fastest channel on the Internet, because it was necessary in the previously announced time faster than anyone click on the button "I want a prize." The satisfied physiognomy of the prize-winner is present at the confirmation, receiving the prize, video.
Prizes we receive for local currency - EEP. EEP is earned by inviting new users, daily visits to the site, and completing tasks. At the moment, this is a vote for the blogs of participants promoting the project in their own language. And the creation of the blogs themselves, with a repost and translation into the native language of the contents of the official blog. Since the project is eco-oriented, participants received an EEP for the sent video with tree planting. Another cardinal difference from Lockerz is a limited number of invites. At the moment it is 30 pieces. Distribution of prizes is carried out in all countries of the world. Frankly, I did not participate in the Lockerz project, and indeed I do not believe in the lottery. But in this case I decided to try - what the hell is not joking. There is a lot of free time now - created a blog, and began translating the contents of the official blog into Ukrainian. At the moment, this will be the second blog in Ukraine dedicated to the GreenZoner project. The author of the "first" blog brazenly copied past translations of a Russian colleague. I decided to play honestly - translate everything myself. I’ll translate it - and I’ll apply for the blog to vote, the winner in his country will also receive the notorious EEP. In Russia at the moment there are 3 blogs on the topic, two of which work. There are not many people in the project at the moment, as I understand it. That's basically it. The subject on Habré did not rise - decided to share information, no more. Wildly I want to believe that it’s not a scam ...