The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week No. 329 (August 27 - September 2, 2018)
We offer you a selection with links to new materials from the front-end area and around it.
FYI: There will be no digest next week due to the release.
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers
Frontend Weekend podcast # 68 - Yegor Bugayenko on how and why you need to distinguish yourself from the crowd of other programmers
Web Standards podcast, Issue №136: Chrome is not so audacious, Firefox against trackers, open source and politics, OpenType and a useful cascade, the development of React DOM.
Weekly Vue podcast, episode 2
Five Minute React podcast # 45 - How to record a podcast without a microphone and equipment
Devshakhta Podcast: # 48: The pain from Ext JS and TFS, or how DevOps is changing the world for the better
The podcast "CSSSR", News 512 - Issue №19 (20.08 - 02.09)
Six of the most useful reports from Frontend Conf 2018
Continuous growth of JSON
SmartTV development underwater rakes
• Why modern web sucks and what to do about it
What does blockchain mean for frontend developers?
Inherited code refactoring
Using speech synthesis interface from Web Speech API
Native lazy loading for web
New (and old) units of measurement in CSS that you could hardly hear about
Advanced CSS themes using custom properties and JavaScript
Full CSS demos with OpenType properties
Super-enhanced Grid components using custom CSS properties
Progressive CSS improvements layouts: from Float to Flexbox & Grid
How to make styles for print-friendly pages
“Solving container queries today” - report by Greg Whitworth on CSS Day 2018
Progressive block expansion with CSS
CSS Editors Shape
Twenty CSS Optimization Tips performance
Why did a person from the Java world become an ardent supporter of Node.js and JavaScript?
• What is testing and why should we do it? The first article in a five-part series about testing in JavaScript
• Node Hero — Node.js Security Guide
• Babel 7 JS Transpiler Release
So what's new in Babel 7?
What will appear in JavaScript 2018: asynchronous generators, improved Regex
JS in examples: 8 different options for using JavaScript Array Slice
aiji - a supervised collection of inspiring JS applications that work with AI
A quick introduction to web workers
Overview of JavaScript timers on the web
• Firefox decided by default to block tracking of movements between sites
• Firefox develops a contextual recommendation system for add-ons
• Analyzes the portability of the API of modern web browsers
• Mozilla published statistics on the use of Firefox
• Mozilla published a report on how people use the desktop versions of Firefox
• Google prevents defensive solutions from injecting into Chrome processes
New Mobile Chrome feature will disable scripts for slow connections
Ecological impact of browser diversity
← Digest last week
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin
FYI: There will be no digest next week due to the release.
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers







Web development


• Why modern web sucks and what to do about it




- Tools:
•What's new in DevTools (Chrome 70)
•gulp-webpack - fresh build Gulp 4 + Webpack 4 + Babel + BrowserSync + Font Awesome 5
•Universal PWA Builder - an extensible tool for creating progressive web applications without being bound to a framework
- Accessibility:
•Speech semantics is a great example of how to write more inclusive code for all (auxiliary) technologies, including search engines, screen readers, intelligent speakers, and chat bots.
•How Google has stepped up its efforts to make its technology more accessible for people with disabilities
•How you can use AI, AR and WebGL shaders to help the visually impaired
•Reach UI - library of available components for React applications
- Spectacular web:
•Apply Voronoi mosaic, pixelation and geometric masks in shaders to decorate the site
•Web Graphics Experiments
•Optical illusion just 18 lines of JavaScript











• What is testing and why should we do it? The first article in a five-part series about testing in JavaScript
• Node Hero — Node.js Security Guide
• Babel 7 JS Transpiler Release






- Typescript:
•TypeScript and Babel 7
•Quick Guide to TypeScript
•How my team accidentally switched to TypeScript and loved it
•Good code writing practices with React and Redux
•Validating React Component Props with prop-types
•React Performance - a complete guide to optimizing key performance problems in React
•Props and PropTypes in React
• ReactLesson: Creating and Protecting Your First applications
•Evolution React
•code-surfer - React-component for scrolling, zooming and highlighting code snippets
• - preparation for creating a SPA on React, with a full server.
• Two books on Vue.js came out in translation: Greatness of Vue.js 2 and Testing Vue.js components using Jest
•Mastering Vuex - from scratch to hero
•Creating applications on Vue.js
•vue-goodshare - vue.js component for social sharing
•A complete guide to using Font Awesome icons in Vue.js applications
•tiptap - a renderless rich-text editor for Vue.js
•Angular: the unobvious possibilities of directive selectors
•The mechanism of binding events in Angular
•Angular 6 CRUD from scratch, a guide with an example
•How to use the Material Design in Angular 6
- Libs & Plugins:
•turbo-json-parse - turbocharged JSON.parse for stable JSON data
•shimport - use JavaScript modules in all browsers, including dynamic imports
•reworm - the simplest way to manage application state
•lazyestload.js - loading images only when they hit the visible area
• Firefox decided by default to block tracking of movements between sites
• Firefox develops a contextual recommendation system for add-ons
• Analyzes the portability of the API of modern web browsers
• Mozilla published statistics on the use of Firefox
• Mozilla published a report on how people use the desktop versions of Firefox
• Google prevents defensive solutions from injecting into Chrome processes


We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicate links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal, we are trying to fix them quickly.
← Digest last week
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin