PHP Digest number 138 (August 20 - September 2, 2018)

    Fresh selection with links to news and materials. At issue: the latest beta version of PHP 7.3, Laravel Nova, a site with ideas for the next versions of PHP, news about Yii 3, a portion of useful tools, videos, and much more. Enjoy reading!

    News and Releases

    • PHP 7.3.0 Beta 3 - Last beta in the loop. The next release will be RC 1, which is expected on September 13th .
      • Changes include:
        • Heredoc and Nowdoc improvements to the RFC syntax
        • json_encode () and json_decode () will throw an exception in case of an error and the corresponding RFC flag
        • Ability to use a comma after the last argument of the RFC function
        • hrtime () returns a high time accuracy and does not depend on the system time of PR
        • Added is_countable () function to check for enumerability RFC
        • Using links in list () RFC
        • Some features are deprecated RFC 1 , RFC 2
        • in working with cookies function adds support for Site Cookie Same | RFC
        • Significant improvements in PR garbage collection
        and other improvements. Full list of changes .
        You can read more about the changes in a detailed analysis of what's new in PHP 7.3 or quickly look at diffs .
    • Remote code execution on - Vulnerability that could allow the execution of code on the Packagist PHP repository server by transferring a specially crafted string instead of a URL to the form for adding a new package. Already fixed .
    • Highload fwdays'18 - September 15 in Kiev will host a large-scale conference on highload. There are no reports directly about PHP, but the program has interesting presentations on scaling, architecture, and optimization. Promo code for discount: PHPDIGEST_HL .
    • - What would you like to see in the next version of PHP? On the site, you can add an idea or discuss and vote for already added.


    Study materials

    Audio and video

    Thanks for attention!

    If you notice an error or inaccuracy - please inform the PM .
    Write questions and suggestions by mail or twitter .

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    Previous release: PHP Digest number 137

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