Android programming. For professionals

    As I promised today, the book " Programming for Android. For Professionals " has finally been released .
    What is interesting about this publication?

    imageThis book will teach you all the intricacies of developing applications for mobile devices running on the popular Android operating system. Based on the training course of the famous Big Nerd Ranch educational IT project, this publication contains key Android programming concepts, an explanation of the API, and many code examples and exercises. In the process of working with the book, the reader will independently develop eight Android applications of various complexity and themes, including a client for downloading photos from the Flickr database, an application that simulates a television remote control, as well as a geolocation service that tracks the user's movements around the world and displays them on a map . All training applications have been designed in such a way

    The book is sold in paper form and in PDF format .


    Prototype: - All Android Programming: of The Big Nerd Ranch Guide Review

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