

    As more and more advanced, three-dimensional multi-player online games appear on the Internet, I decided to try to make a simple game for two. Once upon a time there was something like that and it then dragged me on, well, and decided to whip up to do something similar.

    We are talking about a multi-user similarity to the Tetris game, where one player can influence the playing field of another as follows: when 2, 3 or 4 lines are burned in his field at a time, the opponent is added 1, 2 or 3 lines, respectively. The speed of the game increases over time, so that it is not possible to play forever.

    After the end of the game, the rating of players changes, and thus some may want to get into the top 15 players of the project.

    Initially, the game technically worked through ajax, but then refused it because the server periodically began to slow down. But as I later realized, this was not entirely due to technology, but because of some of my mistakes, so I will probably make support for the game through Ajax for those who are behind the proxy. In the meantime, the game works through a flash bridge on sockets, so a normal Internet connection is required for the game.

    Do not throw stones - this is an early beta version and I do not pretend to any laurels. This project is rather just a hobby. In the future I plan to add the ability to view other people's games, slightly improve the tetris mechanism itself (sliding, etc.), etc.

    This project also has an application in VKontakte , from where you can also play.

    I hope there will not be a big habr effect, tk. most likely hosting will not stand.


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