iTwister - the twister on iPhone / iTouch

This game can bring you fame as a person with the most flexible and dexterous fingers. Here, the ability to control your body and always provide for subsequent actions is important.
You just need to start the game and enjoy the fun both alone on the road or at home, or with your loved one.

Game Review

Recall the rules of an ordinary Twister: several people are located on a rug with multi-colored circles. Choose a starting position in advance. Roulette is spinning, and thereby the part of the body and the color on which it is necessary to put this part are selected. In this case, you can not tear other parts of the body from the mat. Next, roulette spins again, and another player makes his move. The player who tears off the inactive part of the body loses and is eliminated. The game continues until there is only one player left who becomes the winner.
Playing on an iPhone is as similar as possible, playable and has not lost the interest of its ancestor. The rules are the same as in the "floor" version, unless you need to move part of the body without taking it off the screen - this makes the game more interesting and more difficult.
When the game starts, we see that the game is made in a street style.

We observe an intuitive menu:
Play - launches a new game,
Rules - it is recommended to open before the first launch,
Highscores - here all your records are shown for different game modes,
Options - customize the game by yourself,
Info - information about the game hidden in the lower left corner .

In Options, we are waiting for the inclusion settings and the volume level of music and sound effects, as well as vibration. You can enable and disable the finger marker (they will always be under the fingers, wherever they are). We also observe the choice of the game mode: Easy, Medium and Complex, or “Game for two”.

So, let's get down to the game itself.
We press the menu item "Play", and we observe a rug of a twister, but not simple. This is a piece of asphalt, decorated with spray cans of old-school fans.
We are greeted by a notification about a new game, which tells you how to start the game. It is necessary to place your fingers (well, or any other parts of the body, to whom it is convenient) in any circles - this will be your starting position. When you place the specified number of fingers - notice that the frame changes its color from white to one of three: Orange, Green or Purple. The frame in the game plays the role of roulette from an ordinary twister. However, not one she shows us all the data. We notice that the marker of the installed finger starts to spin. This means that we must move it to any free circle painted in the color of the frame. If you successfully set your finger to a new place, the Mercker of the other finger starts to spin, and the frame uses a different color, although it can repeat the previous one. At first, move your fingers, taking them off the screen,
This game is not only for sleight of hand and luck, but also for logic, because it all depends on where you put your finger to make it easier in the future.
If the game seems easy, then increase the difficulty level and try playing with one hand

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