Green-eyed internet
The expression "green-eyed taxi" appeared due to the fact that free cars are often indicated by the included green flashlight. In the new LTE / Wi-Fi-mobile router MegaFon MR100-2, a green light means working Internet and ongoing data transfer. I will tell about the capabilities of this router and once again about the MegaFon LTE network.

Enough for everyone
New opportunities create new needs - this is the driving mechanism of progress. The proliferation of mobile Internet leads to the fact that it is needed by an increasing number of people - and devices. In principle, the function of the access point is also in smartphones, but no one has canceled the issue of battery consumption. So, to provide the Internet with a small fleet of devices somewhere far from the wire, a mobile router remains a popular solution.
MegaFon MR100-2 can work as:
- on the MegaFon network, distributing Wi-Fi to 10 devices. The built-in battery of the router with a capacity of 2100 mAh (larger than some smartphones) makes it a completely autonomous device. The MR100-2 lies in a pocket, in a backpack, on a windowsill, in the glove compartment of a car or in a drawer, blinks a green eye - and does its job.

In addition to the router in a small box, only the user manual is quite compact, completely in Russian and, importantly, useful. However, those who read this post will no longer need to look there;)
The gadget itself is small and elegant; its dimensions - 97x66x13 mm - are very close to the dimensions of an average 2.5-inch HDD. He weighs only 99 g.

The case is made of smooth plastic. The top end of the gadget is given under the e-ink display, showing the network mode and battery charge, and a button for switching operating modes. The red dot under the button is cutting.

The MR100-2 supports two Wi-Fi modes - private network and private network + open network, switchable by the button at the top. Center position - off, left - private network, right - open. In the second case, Wi-Fi devices around will see two networks: private, as you call it when creating the password, and MegaFon Free.

At the bottom of the case is a retractable USB connector. More precisely, this is not just a connector, but a 3-in-1: it is a SIM card slot, it is also combined with a microUSB port on the back side, and also hides access to the microSIM connector. On the

front there is an illuminated inscription 4G MegaFon:

On the back there is nothing but a sticker with information that is worth remembering and unsticking:

The router is already sold with microSIM and 2 weeks of free 4G Internet. Then you will need to choose a package with the right amount of traffic .
- Insert the SIM-card until the click click is characteristic. To remove it, you need to press it with your fingernail until the ejection spring is triggered. However, it can be difficult to pull it out with bare hands, but it will save any improvised item.
- The battery must be charged.
- We press the power button, choosing one of two Wi-Fi distribution modes: in a closed or open network - and you are on the Internet.
Like any new device, it is advisable to configure the router after switching on for yourself. From a smartphone / tablet that caught Wi-Fi from a router or laptop, you need to go to status.megafon.ru. A Wi-Fi device is caught immediately by a mobile device. By default, both Wi-Fi modes are not password protected. It is logical that for a private network mode it is better to quickly set a password:

We also decide whether we need foreign roaming through this router, which network mode we prefer, whether the logo is needed and the ability to see the current battery level - which is especially convenient when the router lies where far away.
Then you should go to megafon.ru - the phone number and account balance will be indicated at the top of the page:

Here, after 2 weeks of free Internet, you can select the appropriate amount of Internet for a month and replenish the balance:

MegaFon’s LTE in Moscow I recently tested on the new iPad Air. MegaFon MR100-2 simply confirmed the quality of the network: at the height of the working day on Tula 42 megabits is very decent.

It's funny that the router and the iPad see MegaFon's LTE better with me than my Xperia - a regular mobile network. However, here it is possible, the matter is already in the gadget, and not in the quality of the network.
The battery is also an important advantage of a separate router over a smartphone that distributes a network. MegaFon says that one of the tasks in developing a new router was to find a solution that allows for the longest battery life. Compared with the previous model MR100-1, the battery capacity increased by 50%, amounting to 2100 mAh. Battery consumption occurs only in the data transfer mode (when the green light is blinking), therefore, in general, the gadget’s operating time is very high: in working use mode (more reading Habr and other sites, working with mail without downloading heavy files) the router lasts 12 hours and above, the minimum operating time of the device is 5 hours in continuous download mode. On average, it turns out that with an equal mode of use, the router works 2-3 times longer than a smartphone that distributes the Internet.
In addition to controlling the functions of the router, the status.megafon.ru page allows you to use it in quasi-telephone mode - for example, send USSD requests (balance, control options), send / receive SMS, determine the phone number of the SIM used.
All these functions are only available in USB or private Wi-Fi connection mode. Those who are connected to an open network (Wi-Fi free mode) will not be able to get to the status.megafon.ru page.

You can purchase a router in the MegaFon online store in black (like our test device) and white at a price of 4900 r.

Enough for everyone
New opportunities create new needs - this is the driving mechanism of progress. The proliferation of mobile Internet leads to the fact that it is needed by an increasing number of people - and devices. In principle, the function of the access point is also in smartphones, but no one has canceled the issue of battery consumption. So, to provide the Internet with a small fleet of devices somewhere far from the wire, a mobile router remains a popular solution.
MegaFon MR100-2 can work as:
- LTE modem for laptop, computer and any other device with a USB port
- Wi-Fi router for private network
- Wi-Fi router for an open network
- on the MegaFon network, distributing Wi-Fi to 10 devices. The built-in battery of the router with a capacity of 2100 mAh (larger than some smartphones) makes it a completely autonomous device. The MR100-2 lies in a pocket, in a backpack, on a windowsill, in the glove compartment of a car or in a drawer, blinks a green eye - and does its job.

In addition to the router in a small box, only the user manual is quite compact, completely in Russian and, importantly, useful. However, those who read this post will no longer need to look there;)
The gadget itself is small and elegant; its dimensions - 97x66x13 mm - are very close to the dimensions of an average 2.5-inch HDD. He weighs only 99 g.

The case is made of smooth plastic. The top end of the gadget is given under the e-ink display, showing the network mode and battery charge, and a button for switching operating modes. The red dot under the button is cutting.

The MR100-2 supports two Wi-Fi modes - private network and private network + open network, switchable by the button at the top. Center position - off, left - private network, right - open. In the second case, Wi-Fi devices around will see two networks: private, as you call it when creating the password, and MegaFon Free.

At the bottom of the case is a retractable USB connector. More precisely, this is not just a connector, but a 3-in-1: it is a SIM card slot, it is also combined with a microUSB port on the back side, and also hides access to the microSIM connector. On the

front there is an illuminated inscription 4G MegaFon:

On the back there is nothing but a sticker with information that is worth remembering and unsticking:

Beginning of work
The router is already sold with microSIM and 2 weeks of free 4G Internet. Then you will need to choose a package with the right amount of traffic .
- Insert the SIM-card until the click click is characteristic. To remove it, you need to press it with your fingernail until the ejection spring is triggered. However, it can be difficult to pull it out with bare hands, but it will save any improvised item.
- The battery must be charged.
- We press the power button, choosing one of two Wi-Fi distribution modes: in a closed or open network - and you are on the Internet.
Like any new device, it is advisable to configure the router after switching on for yourself. From a smartphone / tablet that caught Wi-Fi from a router or laptop, you need to go to status.megafon.ru. A Wi-Fi device is caught immediately by a mobile device. By default, both Wi-Fi modes are not password protected. It is logical that for a private network mode it is better to quickly set a password:

We also decide whether we need foreign roaming through this router, which network mode we prefer, whether the logo is needed and the ability to see the current battery level - which is especially convenient when the router lies where far away.
Then you should go to megafon.ru - the phone number and account balance will be indicated at the top of the page:

Here, after 2 weeks of free Internet, you can select the appropriate amount of Internet for a month and replenish the balance:

MegaFon’s LTE in Moscow I recently tested on the new iPad Air. MegaFon MR100-2 simply confirmed the quality of the network: at the height of the working day on Tula 42 megabits is very decent.

It's funny that the router and the iPad see MegaFon's LTE better with me than my Xperia - a regular mobile network. However, here it is possible, the matter is already in the gadget, and not in the quality of the network.
The battery is also an important advantage of a separate router over a smartphone that distributes a network. MegaFon says that one of the tasks in developing a new router was to find a solution that allows for the longest battery life. Compared with the previous model MR100-1, the battery capacity increased by 50%, amounting to 2100 mAh. Battery consumption occurs only in the data transfer mode (when the green light is blinking), therefore, in general, the gadget’s operating time is very high: in working use mode (more reading Habr and other sites, working with mail without downloading heavy files) the router lasts 12 hours and above, the minimum operating time of the device is 5 hours in continuous download mode. On average, it turns out that with an equal mode of use, the router works 2-3 times longer than a smartphone that distributes the Internet.
Additional features
In addition to controlling the functions of the router, the status.megafon.ru page allows you to use it in quasi-telephone mode - for example, send USSD requests (balance, control options), send / receive SMS, determine the phone number of the SIM used.
All these functions are only available in USB or private Wi-Fi connection mode. Those who are connected to an open network (Wi-Fi free mode) will not be able to get to the status.megafon.ru page.

You can purchase a router in the MegaFon online store in black (like our test device) and white at a price of 4900 r.