Japan promotes flying cars at the state level
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The Japanese government announced a public-private partnership with 21 companies and organizations, including Uber, Boeing, Airbus, Cartivator and Japan Airlines. The task of the alliance is to implement a program for the development of individual air transport, that is, flying cars, for 10 years.
The Ministry of Economy of Japan believes that flying cars will reduce traffic congestion, assist in transportation to remote islands or in mountainous areas during periods of natural disasters and will find application in the tourism industry.
“The Japanese government will provide appropriate support to help implement the concept of flying cars, including the creation of acceptable rules [of air traffic],” the ministry said.
If Japan can quickly create a legal system in which flying cars can operate, it can overtake in the development of this industry such countries as the USA, where the Federal Aviation Association is known for its conservatism and exceptionally slow implementation of the new regulation, including regulation unmanned vehicles, writes Bloomberg .
Flying cars are often mentioned in science fiction, but in reality they are still far from the mainstream. Although there is some progress in this direction. For example, startup Larry Page Kitty Hawk began testing large flying taxis in New Zealand. Kitty Hawk

Flying Taxi Cab on autopilot can carry two passengers
Kitty Hawk Cora Taxi Flying Cabs look like a small plane, but with a vertical take-off, fully autonomous piloting and electric propulsion. There is also a more portable single version of Kitty Hawk Flyer .

Kitty Hawk Flyer
Uber also plans to launch flying taxis for five years. Rolls-Royce, Airbus, Daimler, Passenger Drone, Ehang, Porsche, Terrafugia (Geely) and others are working on different versions of such devices.