Scalable fault-tolerant file service based on CTDB, GlusterFS

This article is a step-by-step guide to building a scalable fault-tolerant file storage, access to which will be implemented using the Samba, NFS protocols. As a file system that will be directly responsible for saving and scaling the file balls, we will use GlusterFS, which has already been fairly written about by the habrasociety. Since GlusterFS is part of Red Hat Storage , the tutorial is written for RH - like systems.

How do these services interact?


I use version 3.3.1, rpm-ki downloaded from the official site. After creating a volume, the client can access it in several ways:
  • # mount.glusterfs
  • # mount -o mountproto=tcp,async -t nfs
  • # mount.cifs

We will use the first option, since in this case the client establishes a connection with all the servers and if the server to which we were mounted fails, we receive data from the working servers:


Excellent mechanics are described in this post. I would like to add that the load balancing on the cluster using LVS in the documentation is prescribed only for the NAT network, so we will use Round Robbin DNS. There are in standard repositories, as well as SMB, NFS:
# yum install ctdb samba nfs-utils cifs-utils

Let's get started

Let's say we have 2 nodes:

We also need a couple of IPs that will implement fault tolerance - migrate between servers.

RR DNS for the data domain looks like this:

; zone file fragment
data. 86400 IN A
data. 86400 IN A

I will not go into creating volume for GlusterFS. I will say that we need a distributed replication partition (distributed + replicated volume). Let's call it smb . To begin with, we mount it locally for each node:

# mount.glusterfs gluster1:smb /mnt/glustersmb

Each server uses its own hostname as an option . Do not forget to write the entry in / etc / fstab.
Now edit the Samba configuration (on each server) .

# vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
# The main parameter, is responsible for clustering.
clustering = yes
# Communication with the database, which stores user requests (see the link about the mechanics of work)
idmap backend = tdb2
# Folder, with configuration files
private dir = /mnt/glustersmb/lock

And add the section of the balls there:
path = /mnt/glustersmb/lock
browseable = YES
force user = smbcli
force group = smbcli
writable = yes
guest ok = yes
guest account = smbcli
guest only = yes

The folder will be shared, accessed by smbcli without authorization. We’ll create it later and assign rights.
Now on one of the servers we create a folder in which we will place some CTDB configuration files

# mkdir /mnt/glustersmb/lock
And add a file:
# touch /mnt/glustersmb/lock/lockfile

CTDB configuration file on each server we bring to the form:
# vim /etc/sysconfig/ctdb
# A file that is executed every time a CTDB cluster node changes its status (for example, send a letter)

We indicate our public adresses (on each server) :
# vim /etc/ctdb/public_addesses eth0 eth0

We specify the nodes of the CTDB cluster (on each server) :
# vim /etc/ctdb/nodes

I disable SElinux, IPtables look like this (of course, for each server):
# vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 4379 -j ctdb
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 4379 -j ctdb
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --ports 137:139,445 -m comment --comment "SAMBA" -j SMB
-A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --ports 137:139,445 -m comment --comment "SAMBA" -j SMB
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --ports 111,2049,595:599 -j NFS
-A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --ports 111,2049,595:599 -j NFS
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 24007:24220 -m comment --comment "Gluster daemon" -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 38465:38667 -m comment --comment "Gluster daemon(nfs ports)" -j ACCEPT
# Instead of the name of the chains, you can simply specify ACCEPT.

Let's go back to Samba and the smbcli user (on each server) :
# useradd smbcli
# chown -R smbcli.smbcli /mnt/glustersmb/pub

The penultimate touches:
# chkconfig smbd off
# chkconfig ctdb on
# service ctdb start

Now we can observe the
# ctdb status
Number of nodes:2
pnn:0 OK (THIS NODE)
pnn:1 OK
hash:0 lmaster:0
hash:1 lmaster:1
Recovery mode:NORMAL (0)
Recovery master:0

List of public migrating IPs and their belonging to the servers we get with the command
# ctdb ip
Public IPs on node 0 node[1] active[] available[eth0] configured[eth0] node[0] active[eth0] available[eth0] configured[eth0]

Mount the client using the SMB or NFS protocol using the commands:
# mount.cifs data:smb /mnt
# mount -o mountproto=tcp,async -t nfs data:smb /mnt

From personal experience I can say that I’m still testing network drops , the result is very tolerable. A broken connection is barely noticeable. All explains AndreyKirov
Educational program
A node that has taken over the IP address of another only knows what they were about the old TCP connections and does not know the “TCP squence number” of the connections. Accordingly, he cannot continue them. Like the client, it does not know that the connections are now made to another node.

In order to avoid delays associated with switching the connection, the following technique is used. To understand this technique, you need to understand the basic principles of the functioning of the TCP protocol.

Having received an ip address, the new node sends a packet with the ACK flag to the client and the obviously wrong “squence number” equal to zero. In response, the client, in accordance with the rules of the TCP protocol, sends back the ACK Reply packet with the correct "squence number". Having received the correct “squence number”, the node forms a packet with the RST flag and this “squence number”. Upon receiving it, the client immediately restarts the connection.

Have a nice coding!

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