Convenient file synchronization

    About two years ago, I gave birth to a project - a small client program that is installed on any device and simply synchronizes files.
    For example, you could specify that the documents will be synchronized between the home and work computers. Music and books between the home computer and the phone. Backup between home computer, working computer and server. Also, this program could control the subsequent distribution of any file in the system. That is, you, as the owner, could always find out the history of the file: copying to a USB flash drive, to another computer, by "electric mail", etc.

    Then I almost got financing, but the investment fund with which I worked at the last moment demanded a serious share in the business. And I decided that the game is not worth the candle. And then somehow it was not up to it.

    Yes, you say, there is cloud storage and why is it needed when there is Yandex.Disk, Dropbox and a bunch of cloud file storage services. Well, it's just not always acceptable and convenient. Cons:
    1. You trust your files to a third party without any guarantees. (I'm not paranoid, but you will not leave your personal data in such a repository)
    2. Internet access is required to access them. And this is still not always possible in Russia with the necessary speed.

    A holy place is never empty and BitTorrent has released something similar, but in a stripped-down form. Their program simply synchronizes files between different platforms and systems as soon as they go online or are on the same subnet. Unfortunately, you cannot flexibly configure synchronization rules, but there is an excellent client that can be administered either through the native interface (WIndows, MAC OS X, Android, iOS) or through the web interface (* NIX).

    I no longer go for photos, documents and music to my mobile and I do not go to the server to pick up a rarely updated backup.
    There are several folders in the home computer:

    To throw something into the phone, I just copy the desired file to the Phone folder. It will appear on my phone in a few seconds.
    To exchange documents with the guys at work, I throw in the shared folder. And after a few seconds, this file appears in all the people I need - locally and not in the cloud.

    In the car, Google Nexus stands as a media center, it watches over the Internet via 3G. On my home computer, I throw navigation maps and music into the Auto folder. Everything automatically folds into a car. From the Auto / registrar folder, I pick up interesting points shot by the video recorder (the device in the car is always online).
    Saves a ton of time.

    We wish BotTorrent success in the development of their wonderful project.
    Download .
    Available on the Google Play Market and Apple AppStor. I think it will soon appear under the mobile version of Windows.

    Thanks to Murin Sasha for the tip)

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