Executing an external file from an Oracle database to obtain information about disk space

Often for certain needs, it becomes necessary to execute an OS command from pl / sql or even sql inside an Oracle Database.
One of the methods and its application in the task of determining the available disk space is described below.
The proposed method consists in using the functionality “Preprocessing data of external tables” added in 11.2.

Thus, we need to create objects:
  • Directory - our preprocessing script will be located in it and the table will refer to it
  • external organization table - access to which will cause the script to execute
  • script - the actual file itself that will perform the required action on the OS

An example of creating the required objects:
-- directory
create or replace directory UTIL_DIR as '/u01'
-- table
 v_line varchar2(4000)  )
 ( TYPE oracle_loader
 preprocessor UTIL_DIR:'os_command.sh'
 location ( 'os_command.sh')

It is best to have a separate directory for our purposes because we will need both write rights and execute rights, and it’s better not to give this combination to anyone.
The best use is the creation of a package (albeit in the SYS scheme), the specification of which describes procedures that require access to the OS, and leave the implementation itself inside the package and do not allow anyone to access it.
Further, it is assumed that we have the rights to read, write and execute to UTIL_DIR, as well as the rights to select from T_OS_COMMAND.

To create a file that will be executed, it is enough to execute on the OS (yes, you have to perform actions on the OS at least once by resorting to more trivial methods - for example, ssh):
$touch /u01/os_command.sh
$chmod ug+x /u01/os_command.sh

These commands must be executed from the user (or group member) from whom the database instance is launched.

Everything is ready to use. To execute an arbitrary OS command, we should write it to the os_command.sh file and request the table T_OS_COMMAND.
  F1 := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('UTIL_DIR','os_command.sh','W', 4048); 
  UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (file => F1, buffer => '#!/bin/sh');
  UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (file => F1, buffer => 'export LANG=en_US.UTF-8');
  UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (file => F1, buffer => 'export PATH=$PATH:/bin');
  UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (file => F1, buffer => 'df -k | grep /');
  UTL_FILE.fclose (file => F1);

Now, to get the result of our script, it is enough to execute a query on the table T_OS_COMMAND
When running df -k | grep / we will get
/dev/sda2             32414672  14870956  15870548  49% /
/dev/sda1               124427     18001    100002  16% /boot
tmpfs                  8219820    184808   8035012   3% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb2            961432104 606013444 306580660  67% /u02

When executing a SELECT * FROM T_OS_COMMAND query
/ dev / sda2 32414672 14871076 15870428 49% /
/ dev / sda1 124427 18001 100002 16% / boot
tmpfs 8219820 184808 8035012 3% / dev / shm
/ dev / sdb2 961432104 606013444 306580660 67% / u02

Next, you can begin to implement directly the methods that require calling OS commands.

An example of such an implementation is the P_SYS_UTILITY package . Suggestions for its development and participation in it are welcome.
Package specification
create or replace package P_SYS_UTILITY is
  -- Author  : ALEXEY
  -- Created : 23.08.2013
  -- Purpose : Get system info (*nix versions)
Get on file or folder name its device or ASM group and used/free space on it 
 * raw devices not supported
procedure Get_Disk_Usage ( p_file_name  in varchar2, -- file name (also accept only path)
                           o_mount_dev  out nocopy varchar2, -- device or ASM group
                           o_used_space out number, -- used space
                           o_free_space out number); -- free space 
-- Collect space USAGE in BD
-- Recomended evry day schedule run
procedure Collect_Usage;
-- Get Forecast on space usage
-- Recomended base from 10 collects
function Get_Forecast ( pDT         in date, -- date for forecast
                        pBASE       in integer default 188, -- base days in calculate forecast
                        pTYPE_F     in varchar2 default 'SLOPE', -- type forecast: SLOPE | AVG
                        pTABLESPACE in varchar2 default null, -- tablespace ( null = all )
                        pOWNER      in varchar2 default null, -- user ( null = all )
                        pTYPE       in varchar2 default null )  -- segment type ( null = all ), allow like
         return number; -- size in bytes on date pDT
-- Get score of space usage and availability
-- Can be used in external monitoring tool : Nagios, etc
function Get_Space_Status ( pFOREDAYS   in number default 60,  -- days after that
                            pFREE_PRCNT in number default 25 ) -- free cpace greater than
         return number; -- 0 - Space free enough .. 100 - not enough free space

Get_Disk_Usage Method

p_file_name - the name of the file or folder for the location of which (s) the calculation will be made. Allows you to transfer names related to ASM disk groups.
o_mount_dev - the name of the device in the system to which the specified location is mounted is determined from the output of the df command. For ASM, the name disk group will be returned.
o_used_space - the number of bytes occupied on the device / diskgroup
o_free_space - the number of bytes available on the device / diskgroup
Makes a df call with a file name as a parameter, or calls v $ asm_diskgroup if the file name starts with " + ".

Collect_Usage Method

It collects information about the use of space inside the database. Groups by table spaces, owners, and segment types. Does not take into account segments like undo and temp. Saves the received information to the T_SPACE_USAGE table. Recommended for daily use.
create table T_SPACE_USAGE (
  dt$ date,
  owner$ varchar2(30),
  tablespace$ varchar2(30),
  type$ varchar2(18),
  bytes$ number,
  blocks$ number);
create index INDX_T_SPACE_USAGE_DT on T_SPACE_USAGE (dt$);
comment on table T_SPACE_USAGE is 'Store archive data of usage space in RDBMS';
comment on column T_SPACE_USAGE.DT$ is 'Date collect space usage';
comment on column T_SPACE_USAGE.OWNER$ is 'Segment owner - user in BD';
comment on column T_SPACE_USAGE.TABLESPACE$ is 'Name of tablespace in BD';
comment on column T_SPACE_USAGE.TYPE$ is 'Segment type';
comment on column T_SPACE_USAGE.BYTES$ is 'Size in bytes';
comment on column T_SPACE_USAGE.BLOCKS$ is 'Size in blocks';

Get_Forecast Method

pDT - date for which to predict the size
pBASE - number of days for which data will be included in the base for which the forecast will be made
pTYPE_F - forecasting method - either based on the covariance of the (general) population or based on the average change
pTABLESPACE - the table space by which forecasting, if not pass it on to all
pOWNER - the owner of the scheme for which you are forecasting, if not pass it on to all
ptype - the type of data segments for which you are forecasting, if not transmitting s something for everyone
Calculates projected space requirements of segments according to specified criteria. Result in bytes.

Get_Space_Status Method

pFOREDAYS - the number of days for the forecast
pFREE_PRCNT - percentage of available space ( calculated from the projected occupied)
Estimates on a scale from 0 to 100 available for growth database space.

Also takes into account restrictions on the growth of files inside the database.

A simple result allows you to integrate a function call into monitoring systems with the setting of criticality thresholds.

ps. and yes, we take into account that by issuing rights to execute and record we are making a security breach.

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