But did Opera users want such changes?

For many years I have been a user of the opera, not even a user, but a fan.
I liked everything about her;
  • She was comfortable. ( Grouping tabs, mouse gestures, wand, Speed ​​Dial .. )
  • Configured as I need. ( The bookmark bar, preview tabs, the ability to transfer the tab to another browser window on the neighboring monitor, in opera: config I can configure the behavior of the browser )
  • She had an email client, RSS, and even there was a Torrent client.

For the sake of such a convenient browser, I was ready to endure a bunch of its flaws, which in my opinion were more than compensated by its merits.

There is no desire to talk much, just to draw a line.

All this we were deprived!
No more customization, email client ... there is nothing for which I personally personally valued this browser.
... Oh, sorry mouse gestures and speed Dial still left.
They even cut the bookmarks, and before that, the sophisticated browser became a "window for browsing the Internet." It is viewing, not work.
And I was wondering, maybe I don’t understand something and these things were really superfluous, and everyone wanted to get rid of them?

UPD: At the request of ICELedyanoj a feature of the old opera, such as a fully customizable interface, was added to the survey.

Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

Was it necessary to remove bookmarks and the ability to synchronize?

  • 4% Yes 66
  • 80.8% No 1312
  • 15% I don't care. 244

Do I need to be able to move a tab between browser windows?

  • 64% Yes 1042
  • 8.3% No 135
  • 27.6% I don't care. 449

Do I need DragonFly?

  • 47.8% Yes 751
  • 11.2% No 176
  • 40.9% I do not care. 643

Does the browser require an Email client and RSS?

  • 27.1% Yes 437
  • 29.6% No 477
  • 22.2% Enough for me and RSS 359
  • 20.9% I don't care 338

Do I need a bookmarks bar and sidebar?

  • 72.4% Yes 1164
  • 12.6% No 203
  • 14.9% I don't care 240

Should Opera Software have conducted a similar survey?

  • 72.6% Yes 1171
  • 8.7% No, there was no point 141
  • 18.5% Who are we to judge them? 299

Should Opera retain the ability to customize the interface for itself?

  • 92.5% Yes 687
  • 7.4% No 55

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