Unity: 2D, advertising and publishing

    At the UNITE conference in Vancouver, the head of the company, David Helgason, announced three new products of the most popular game engine, which is already used by more than 400,000 people: official support for 2D games, built-in advertising service Unity Cloud and the new publishing unit of Unity Games.


    Of course, before it was possible to create two-dimensional games on Unity (see Bad Piggies, for example), but it was always an ambiguous process - with fixing the camera, problems with graphics, installing third-party extensions, etc. That is, I had to work more against Unity than with it.

    Now, in Unity 4.3, which will be released in the fall, the process of developing 2D games will be standardized, a new set of tools for working with 2D graphics will appear, as well as the popular physics engine Box2D.

    Unity Cloud

    No, this is not a cloud service for storing files. Unity Cloud is an advertising tool that allows you to quickly and easily integrate ad units into your games. They can be full-screen, intermediate or pop-ups. It will be possible to control advertising entirely through the web interface - for example, turn off completely (until the game gains popularity) or promote your other projects. Unity has entered into partnerships with a dozen publishers (among them, for example, Glu and Kabam) who are ready to provide advertisements for money.

    Unity games

    And finally, the publisher. Unity Games will look for new games on the platform, help in their development from the very initial stage or even from the concept. At the time and after the release - to engage in the promotion and distribution, testing, analytics and acquisition of users. This primarily relates to mobile games.

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