New Python courses from Mail.Ru Group

Python is a simple, flexible and popular language used in many areas of modern development. Web applications are created on it, games are written, data is analyzed and many other tasks are performed. Mail.Ru Group has launched the Python Programming specialization , consisting of four courses - from language immersion to Data Science. We want to learn and deepen their knowledge of the language could and beginners, and students, and experienced developers. The first of the four parts, “ Immersion in Python ”, started back in 2017, and now the second and third parts are available to listeners: “ OOP and design patterns in Python ” and “ Creating Web services in Python
". The courses were prepared with the support of MIPT, the authors are employees of MIPT and Mail.Ru Group.
In this article we will talk about the authors and topics, as well as the required level of students and the skills they will acquire.
OOP and Design Patterns in Python
The course “OOP and Design Patterns in Python” will help you step beyond the simple use of language syntax and move from writing simple concrete classes to professional application design within an object-oriented paradigm.
For whom the
Course is intended for those who confidently write simple programs in Python and know the OOP paradigm implementations in this language: classes, objects, attributes, methods.
6-8 hours per week for 5 weeks. Each week will be devoted to a separate topic.
Course content
- Testing and debugging programs
- paradigm of structured programming and design of top-down applications,
- libraries for testing programs in Python,
- TDD development paradigm
- unit testing,
- creating a unit test of the function factorize.
- Object Oriented Design
- OOP principles and paradigms,
- construction of the inheritance scheme
- creating base classes
- UML notation,
- creating class hierarchies.
- Design patterns (part 1)
- design patterns,
- creating a class decorator
- creating an adapter for the class,
- Observer pattern.
- Design patterns (part 2)
- Chain of Responsibility implementation
- implementation of an abstract factory,
- parsing a yaml file
- The final project . As part of the final project “Knight in the Underground”, participants will need to implement a complex system of classes using the studied design patterns.

program in Python and C. I am engaged in data analysis. I teach in MIPT courses in computer science, image processing, data analysis using the Python language.

expert of the Moscow Subject Commission of Information Retrieval Institute -11 for Informatics and ICT. He implemented unit testing of Virtuozzo in Parallels, developed Tizen OS components in Samsung. Member of the Free Software Foundation.

I have a wide range of scientific interests, from which it is possible to distinguish: recognition of visual images; radiation transfer; study of the characteristics of the text. I participate in the development of various methods of teaching writing.
You can register for the course at this link . Lectures and part of the course materials are available free of charge. To receive the estimated tasks and certificate, the course must be purchased.
We remind you that the course is laid out on the Coursera platform. Passing involves not only viewing lectures and completing assignments, but also online communication with students and teachers.
Creating Python Web Services
This course covers building web-applications in the Python language. The course is taught by the Mail.Ru Group developers and MIPT employees.
For whom the
course is intended for students, developers and anyone who wants to get acquainted with the use of Python in web development. Basic programming skills in this language are required.
6-8 hours per week for 7 weeks. Each week, as in the previous course, is devoted to a separate topic.
Course content
- Overview of WEB and data collection from third-party sites
- basics of networking,
- practice requests,
- regular expressions.
- Beautiful Soup and work with API
- Beautiful Soup library
- work with API,
- data collection.
- Data storage. SQL / NoSQL
- database management systems
- data storage,
- Redis.
- Web interfaces with Django and Bootstrap
- networking and web-frameworks,
- routing,
- template making,
- Django ORM,
- site layout.
- Work with user data
- sending, receiving, validating data,
- data processing on the server
- authentication and authorization.
- Additional tools
- creating a simple bot,
- Git
- hosting Heroku.
- Project: smart home . As a final project, students will develop an application for managing the “smart home”.

Programmed on everything from machine codes to 1C, and I can safely say that Python is one of the most enjoyable programming languages.

The path to Python began at Skoltech’s master’s program, creating a system for analyzing the mood of Twitter users.

. Graduated from MGTU. N. E. Bauman. I use Python and Go as the main programming languages on the backend.

I love a beautiful and well-tested code. I sincerely believe that in most cases, readability beats speed.
Register for the course can be on the link . Lectures and part of the course materials are also available for free. To receive the estimated tasks and the certificate, it is necessary to purchase the course.
About other specialization courses
The first part of the Python Programming specialization. Immersion in Python is also available on the Coursera platform - it is designed for those developers who already have programming skills in other languages and want to get to know and delve into Python.
The fourth part of Python's specialization for data analysis starts very soon: during the course, students will learn how to use their programming skills to build predictive models, visualize data and work with neural networks.