About assortment

    I am currently moving. In a sense, moving my company from one office to another. The repair is now finishing at a new place, and I, as the director and system engineer, have to decide in one person what to do with the wires (electricity, telephone, network).

    After the experience of wrapping everything and everything in this office with wires, I know that laying a cable without boxes is idiocy and mockery, so a strategic decision was made to use the boxes, and in order to finally round off this business, then take not just boxes, but those on which You can attach sockets immediately.

    “What is the problem?” An untrained reader will say? “I went and bought it!” But no. We are in Russia, or more precisely, 80 km. from Moscow, so in my city it seems simple only at first glance.

    At first, going to the store where I constantly buy light bulbs, cables and other crap, I saw a nice T-Plast box there, just what I needed.

    If someone does not know, then not just in any box you can attach sockets. The box must be of a certain strength and allow such fastening.

    The price suited me, the equipment too. As a result, it turned out something in the region of 11 thousand, along with outlets. The store assured me that the inscription on the paper with the prices “Delivery within 3-7 days” is true, and that there are no problems with the delivery. I specified it on December 15th.

    Just yesterday, that is, on the 20th day in the room where we will be moving, we completed the main work, that is, it became possible to accurately measure the number of boxes and additional elements to it, well, for example, external corners, internal corners, etc. .

    After measuring and counting, I called the store in the morning. Why in the morning? And in order to have time to send a payment to the bank before lunch, so that the money arrives on the same day. I called the store employee, he’s just the sales manager of those same boxes, and here the difficulties begin.

    To begin with, the employee delighted me with the question “Do you need boxes before the New Year?”. I am wondering if I say that I want to pay today, then for what maximum time should the delivery be? That's right, December 27th, that is, until the end of the year.

    Then it turned out that for the full reception of my order, you need to phone with Moscow and clarify. The order, by the way, is small - 34 meters of the box and some accessories to it.

    I wait until they call back. The time of payment to the bank is approaching, so I’m calling myself. It turns out that the manager, who was supposed to clarify with Moscow, went unclear where, therefore, they will now clarify where the manager is, and he, in turn, will clarify what’s with the boxes.

    The multi-way combination ended only this morning with a final failure, that is, to bring - in any way. All. Point.

    Goats, I thought, and called the parent company for these boxes in Moscow. They expressed their willingness to sell me at least a kilometer of the box, but only in bulk. That is, 200 meters of the box in one package, and no retail.

    The manager answered evasively to my question about retail outlets. They have only one registered point of sale for the whole of Moscow, the rest are simply bought at wholesale prices and resold, so he cannot guarantee the assortment from them.

    I’m calling at that very single point and I’ll clarify, damn it, that they have a box, there are accessories, but there is no special thing (or rather, 24 special pieces) to attach the sockets to the same box. And without it, I have no reason to buy boxes from them.

    Despair was near. Having driven into Google the coveted name of the box, I began to ring the rest. It turned out that this box (only the box, without accessories) was sold by almost everyone, but what use was it to me only from the box? In its way, it is important only because of the possibility of mounting sockets, I need it in this form, and not just like a box.

    And what do you have to do as a result? That's right, to go to the construction market outside the city, where in a half-open container, leading with a goosey pencil through the pages of a shabby catalog, they quietly promise to bring a slightly different box to the environment, more expensive, but just with the fastening of outlets and full ammunition of accessories. Without asking for prepayment and not taking out the brain. Like this.

    And the conclusion? And the conclusion is this.People, if you work in the field of sales or services, then do not assume the obligations that you cannot fulfill. Do not be fooled, be prepared to do what you have undertaken at any time (reasonable). Do not look back at the New Year and holidays! And I implore, deliver solutions, not things that are not closely related to each other for sale!

    With love,

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