Unified Communications in the Cloud

    In March 2013, Asterisk developer Digium launched the cloud version of Switchvox Unified Communications.

    We will not hide the fact that testing was launched a year earlier, and it seems that it was completed very successfully.

    Switchvox Cloud is primarily designed for small and medium-sized businesses. Practice shows that the average installation is 20 internal extensions.

    We, as the official representative of Digium, are pleased to inform you that the Switchvox virtual call center is also available in Russia!

    Let me remind you what this Switchvox is, and its cloud version in particular ...

    The main thing to remember is that this is not just an IP PBX, it is a unified communications system. This means that Switchvox can integrate with your mail, be a corporate chat server, receive a fax in the form of a PDF document, view a voicemail via Android / IPhone applications, integrate with MS Outlook / Office and so on and so forth.

    However, let's take it in order. So, what features does the customer receive for a monthly subscription?

    • Multifunctional UC-system
    • Unlimited number of minutes included for internal conversations
    Russian- speaking technical support by e-mail and telephone
    • Ability to increase system users without losing any data.
    • Support for HD sound (G722 codec)
    Personal Switchboard Call Control Panel for each user
    Support for mobile devices.
    • Call queues
    • Visual voicemail
    • Detailed reporting
    • Conference calls
    • IVR
    • Recording conversations for 2 months. (the ability to upload to external FTP)

    Very often Switchvox is considered as a call center solution. But buying a full-fledged server for 200-400 company employees is quite expensive, especially considering that 80% of users will not use PBX “chips”.

    If you already have your own telephone exchange, it will be very convenient to connect it with this cloud solution.

    Unlike other cloud-based VoIP solutions available on the market, Switchvox Cloud provides access to all system functions at once, you do not have to pay for additional functions, but only specifically for each user.

    Everyone has a personal account, where he can listen to his voicemail or recording conversations. Set up call routing according to time, status or type of call. Send / Receive Fax. And of course, for the call center, the call control panel is important for faster, more pleasant customer service.

    You can easily switch from using the classic Switchvox SMB IP-PBX to a cloud solution with all the settings saved, which will significantly save your budget and facilitate setup. And of course the opposite.

    Switchvox Cloud is suitable for both a small company with a staff of 10 users and companies with up to one hundred or more employees.

    The solution from Digium - is an absolutely complete product. These are self-produced phones with auto-conditioning (Digium D40, D50, D70), E1 gateways (Digium G100, G200), and FXO / FXS boards

    Auto-tuning of Digium phones is fully implemented in Switchvox Cloud. When using them, you will get access to many applications directly from the phone, which will greatly simplify the work. For example, an operator can take a break in the queue, enter / exit, see information from CRM on an incoming call, or read twitter :)

    The system is completely Russified. Firstly, this is the web-based management interface, and secondly, the voice that sounds in almost every Asterisk, thanks to us.

    As I said at the very beginning, now Switchvox Cloud service works in Russia too. As part of the launch, we provide anyone with a month (or even more!) Of free use of the system.

    Ready to try it ?

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