Version 0.4.9 release: implications

Hi, Habr!
After the release of ReactOS version 0.4.9 some time has passed, we cannot but share with you the feedback we received. For example, one of the fans of notebooks under the brand Thinkpad recorded such a beautiful video:
As is well seen, ReactOS, contrary to popular rumors, quite tolerably copes with the work on real hardware.
Here is another experiment with a real laptop, this time it's the Dell Lattitude D630 :
The author managed not only to install the OS, but even to use the Wi-Fi module.
The forum member with the nickname Illen went ahead and launched WiFi via the TP-Link T4U V1 module with a USB interface.

Of course, this is only possible on experimental builds with an updated USB stack, the efforts of Vadim Galyant .
And another “anonymous” community member just collected such a fresh experimental image with USB support from 0.4.9 release files.

Fans of the same virtualokuchki manual from Maiami will help install ReactOS in Hyper-V.
Share your comments in the comments, see you soon atReactOS Hackfest !
PS The plans for version 0.4.10 include support for installing out of the box on BTRFS, obtaining information about hardware via the SMBIOS interface, significant improvements in scaling and respecting the proportions of fonts and icons in various applications, as well as fixes to improve OS stability.