Nokia resurrected the N9 as Asha 501?
Yesterday, Nokia introduced a smartphone that was already flashing on the network some time ago as the N9mini. In fact, it turned out to be an updated Asha series smartphone, which, in fact, was not difficult to predict. But the practically copied (judging by the commercials) user interface of MeeGo Harmattan was a surprise for me personally.
I tested in sufficient detail the first models on the Asha Touch Series40 platform , on the updated version of which Asha501 works , so the fact that now the user interface is implemented within this platform, which I consider the most convenient of all presented on the mobile market, of course interested me. Here are some videos demonstrating how the Series40 Asha Touch works with the MeeGo Harmattan UI on Asha501: _1_ ,_2_ , _3_
Of course, it is difficult to judge the platform in absentia, however, I think that all those moments that were implemented in previous Asha Touch models were preserved in the updated version. Only swipe control, notifications on the lock screen and other elements from the MeeGo Harmattan were added. As a result, my words that Nokia plans to support the S40 Touch only until the time is also coming to the FirefoxOS budget segmentI take it back. Now, as it seems to me, Asha Touch is a very attractive offer in the budget segment. Of course, you need to look at what is happening with the application database, but, on the other hand, Nokia is constantly holding training seminars for developers, so it seems that, especially with the release of Asha501, the application database will be actively updated.
However, in connection with all this, I am interested in something completely different. An interesting fact is that in the last two assemblies of Nemo Mobile , a platform that is a continuation of MeeGo Harmattan, the user interface is implemented all from the same N9. Apparently, NemoMobile (developed by the Maemo.org community and the Jolla startup developing SailfishOS) will eventually become a platform that will actively port to third-party devices. And SailfishOS will be a commercial and original version of a similar distribution that will be preinstalled on specific Jolla branded devices.
That is, it turns out that the MeeGo Harmattan interface will be presented in two (even three, if you count the original) software platforms. A lot of people who start using sensors with Asha501 will get used to the swipe interface and subsequently want to install the open NemoMobile platform on a more powerful device. Or buy the same N9, which, as I suspect, Nokia continues to produce and sell quite successfully for absolutely ridiculous money for such a device. N9 according to Yandex.Market costs less than 8 thousand rubles .
The user interface habit is very strong. That's what bribes Apple. It is possible that Nokia, Blackberry and Jolla, developing a swipe interface, albeit several slightly different modifications, plan to conquer their users in such images. That is, I mean that Nokia is likely to consciously prepare future users of Nemo, a platform that will be the first truly open, that is, installed on almost any other device platform.
As for the Asha Touch based on the S40, it must be felt. But taking into account my experience in testing previous devices on Asha Touch, as well as taking into account my experience using N9, I think this model will be very successful.
While Apple calved with the iPhone mini, Nokia really released the N9mini.
I tested in sufficient detail the first models on the Asha Touch Series40 platform , on the updated version of which Asha501 works , so the fact that now the user interface is implemented within this platform, which I consider the most convenient of all presented on the mobile market, of course interested me. Here are some videos demonstrating how the Series40 Asha Touch works with the MeeGo Harmattan UI on Asha501: _1_ ,_2_ , _3_
Of course, it is difficult to judge the platform in absentia, however, I think that all those moments that were implemented in previous Asha Touch models were preserved in the updated version. Only swipe control, notifications on the lock screen and other elements from the MeeGo Harmattan were added. As a result, my words that Nokia plans to support the S40 Touch only until the time is also coming to the FirefoxOS budget segmentI take it back. Now, as it seems to me, Asha Touch is a very attractive offer in the budget segment. Of course, you need to look at what is happening with the application database, but, on the other hand, Nokia is constantly holding training seminars for developers, so it seems that, especially with the release of Asha501, the application database will be actively updated.
However, in connection with all this, I am interested in something completely different. An interesting fact is that in the last two assemblies of Nemo Mobile , a platform that is a continuation of MeeGo Harmattan, the user interface is implemented all from the same N9. Apparently, NemoMobile (developed by the Maemo.org community and the Jolla startup developing SailfishOS) will eventually become a platform that will actively port to third-party devices. And SailfishOS will be a commercial and original version of a similar distribution that will be preinstalled on specific Jolla branded devices.
That is, it turns out that the MeeGo Harmattan interface will be presented in two (even three, if you count the original) software platforms. A lot of people who start using sensors with Asha501 will get used to the swipe interface and subsequently want to install the open NemoMobile platform on a more powerful device. Or buy the same N9, which, as I suspect, Nokia continues to produce and sell quite successfully for absolutely ridiculous money for such a device. N9 according to Yandex.Market costs less than 8 thousand rubles .
The user interface habit is very strong. That's what bribes Apple. It is possible that Nokia, Blackberry and Jolla, developing a swipe interface, albeit several slightly different modifications, plan to conquer their users in such images. That is, I mean that Nokia is likely to consciously prepare future users of Nemo, a platform that will be the first truly open, that is, installed on almost any other device platform.
As for the Asha Touch based on the S40, it must be felt. But taking into account my experience in testing previous devices on Asha Touch, as well as taking into account my experience using N9, I think this model will be very successful.
While Apple calved with the iPhone mini, Nokia really released the N9mini.