Digest of upcoming IT events for May 2013

    Portal Aichi-event.rf ( itsobytie ) presents the 4th issue of our “Digest of Upcoming IT Events” for May 2013. For ease of navigation, all events are divided into 6 categories:

    • I. Development
    • II. Junior
    • III. Start-up
    • IV. Marketing
    • V. Admin
    • VI. miscellanea

    I. Development

    Conference: Flash GAMM Moscow 2013
    / Moscow / 05/14/2013 / Cost 70 - $ 100
    Conference of developers and publishers of flash, social and mobile games. The most productive event in the gaming industry. Among the speakers at the conference are Adobe, Unity, Alternativa Platform, ZeptoLab, Game Insight, FDG Entertainment, Player.IO, Spil Games, PlayScape, ToonBox, Marmalade and many others. Game development experience, secrets of promotion, technology, publishing, post-mortem of successful projects and much more!

    Conference: Game Developers Conference 2013 (CWI)
    / Moscow / 05/15/2013 / Cost of 8,000 rubles.
    The official Russian-language forum "from developers to developers" and publishers of computer, console, online games, games for social networks, games for smartphones and tablets, as well as games for arcade machines, mobile phones and various other platforms.

    Lecture: SQL Saturday
    / Kiev / 05.25.2013 / Participation is free
    Do not miss the opportunity to participate in the largest conference in Ukraine, intended exclusively for SQL specialists. For the first time in Kiev, in one of the eternal cities of the world, you have the opportunity to combine pleasant walks in the capital with useful walks in the SQL Server world.

    Conference: DevCon 2013
    / Moscow / 05/29/2013 / Cost of 16 888 rubles.
    The conference is aimed at professionals in the field of software development, testing specialists, architects, development team leaders, as well as IT industry experts. Within two days you can take part in technical sessions, learn technology in practice - visit Boot Camps *, workshops and thematic round tables.

    Exhibition: Mobile Apps & Technology Expo (MATE '2013)
    / Moscow / 05/30/2013 / The cost of 300 rubles.
    An educational business event dedicated to the application development and implementation industry for all existing mobile devices and those that are in an active stage of development: smartphones and communicators, handheld and tablet PCs, GPS navigators and GLONASS, cars, Smart TV, applications for Google Project Glass etc.

    II. Junior

    Forum: Find IT
    / Moscow / 05.16.2013 / Participation is free.
    In just 5 hours you can find work in the best companies of the country, learn about all the tricks of employment, personally communicate with professionals, find out about the most interesting innovations in the field of IT and even have fun and win prizes.

    Meeting: Eleventh IT talk in St. Petersburg
    / Saint Petersburg / 05.24.2013 / Participation is free
    If you are pursuing a professional or managerial career, you will inevitably encounter a situation where colleagues do not do what is needed, or you do not want to do what is required of you. Instead of the questions “how to do this?” And “how to do well?”, The questions “why?”, “And who needs it?” And “why me?” Are swarming in my head. Many theories and concepts can help us, from dialectics to agile manifest. I would like to talk about some universal principles and one interesting theory.

    III. Start-up

    Hackathon: OdHac: International Haskell Hackathon
    / Odessa / 05/05/2013 / Cost of 600 rubles.
    A great opportunity to get acquainted with other "Haskellists", find new participants for the project, improve existing ones, as well as create new libraries and tools. During the hackathon, participants will work on two major projects: Fay and Hakyll.

    Hackathon: Hackday # 26
    / Almaty / 05/10/2013 / Participation is free image
    Participants in the competition in 24 hours will create programs, applications, sites, services and films. The event promises to bring together more than 1000 participants this time from all regions of Kazakhstan - young developers, designers, aspiring directors and media professionals.

    Competition: IT-Startup EURASIA III
    / Yekaterinburg / 05.17.2013 / Participation is free
    International competition for teams with ideas and prototypes of IT projects. Two projects will receive an investment proposal from Red Button Capital, four projects will take part in the Mentors Club program on ETV (Internet TV). Five projects will be selected for presentation at the Innoprom 2013 exhibition in July this year.

    Hackathon: AngelHack Moscow
    / Moscow / 05/18/2013 / Cost of 600 rubles.
    As part of AngelHack, developers learn, communicate, develop their innovative ideas, win prizes and receive funding. The winning team in Moscow will take part in the acceleration program AngelHack Accelerator Program, where they will be helped to go the way from “lines of code to startups”.

    Hackathon: Hackday # 27
    / St. Petersburg / 05.24.2013 / The cost of 500 rubles.
    HackDay is a hackathon, an event where you can turn your idea into a working prototype in 48 hours and demonstrate it to a wide audience of colleagues, investors, mentors and market experts. HackDay is not a conference, not a party, or a startup party. This is the time and place of work on real projects.

    IV. Marketing

    Conference: Second International Mobile Conference # MBLT13
    / Moscow / 05/15/2013 / Cost 7,000 - 11,000 rubles.
    The main topic of the conference this year will be the use of mobile technologies in various fields of business. The goal of #MBLT is to provide an up-to-date look at mobile technologies that change our daily lives, as well as influence the behavior and thinking of potential customers.

    Conference: Yet another Conference on Marketing
    / Moscow / 05.16.2013 / Participation is free.
    Reports from leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of digital marketing are waiting for you. The methods of experimental quantitative research, mathematical models in marketing and strategic planning will be considered, examples of working with large arrays of heterogeneous data to solve marketing problems, and much more.

    Conference: Internet Life 2013
    / Moscow / 05.17.2013 / Participation is free.
    At the Internet Life 2013 conference, you, as an employee of the company, will gain knowledge about the most modern technologies. The conference will also discuss in detail the latest technologies that will help increase your company's productivity and optimize costs.

    Conference: SPIK 2013
    / St. Petersburg / 05.20.2013 / Cost of 4,000 rubles.
    The conference participants will discuss all aspects of doing business in Runet, the development of social media, information security problems, recent changes in the structure of domestic Internet media, the legal regulation of the national domain zone, the creation and promotion of startups and much more.

    V. Admin

    Master class: How to prepare for the Habr effect using Amazon web services?
    / Moscow / 05.25.2013 / Cost 4,500 - 10,500 rubles.
    A master class on how we used the capabilities of Amazon Webservices for the needs of our projects, what Amazon has in its arsenal and how it can be used in its projects. Our projects did not experience the Habra effect, but repeatedly experienced Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday and others national holidays of the peoples of the world. In essence, this is one and the same, and preparation for such events has a lot in common.

    Conference: Steel Tambourine - VIII
    / Lviv / 05.25.2013 / Cost 100 - 150 UAH.
    Steel Tambourine is the first and only All-Ukrainian professional conference in Ukraine dedicated to system administrators. Target audience of the conference: the entire technical line from system administrators to senior managers of IT departments and technical directors.

    VI. miscellanea

    Conference: AINL 2013: Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language
    / St. Petersburg / 05/17/2013 / Cost 1,500 rubles.
    This year the AINL conference will consist of three parts: reports, poster section and demo session. Conference participants will present the latest developments in the field of applied artificial intelligence, exchange experience in their application for creating intelligent dialogue systems and agents, will be able to find possible options for cooperation, and young specialists will learn about the possibilities of bringing their products to the market.

    Conference: ProfsoUX
    / St. Petersburg / 05/18/2013 / Cost of 1,000 - 20,000 rubles.
    ProfsoUX - the main St. Petersburg conference on usability, UX and the creation of digital products, focused on the person. The theme of the conference is usability and UX in all its manifestations.

    Conference: Analyst Days 2013
    / St. Petersburg / 05.24.2013 / Cost 4,000 - 11,000 rubles.
    The conference program includes reports on requirements management, information systems design, business process modeling, etc. The conference is dedicated to various aspects of business analytics: • Business analysis in outsourcing; • Product development;
    • Analysis and modeling of business processes.

    Course: Interfaces for iPhone
    / Moscow / 05.25.2013 / The cost of 43,000 rubles.
    For four days (including one day of independent work), participants will work on one application from an idea to a detailed design. You can improve an existing application by disassembling and assembling it “by the bones”, or create a new one that has been spinning in your head for a long time, but still in the status of an idea due to lack of knowledge or time.

    Tournament: Spring Football Tournament - IT-Molison cup'13
    / Minsk / 05.25.2013 / Participation is free of charge
    Football tournament, which will unite the best IT companies of Minsk in the fight for trophies. You are waiting for: a serious organization, a beautiful game, adrenaline, competent refereeing, wide coverage of the event, awards from sponsors following the results of the competition, gifts and souvenirs for fans. Entrance for spectators is free.

    Forum: III Voronezh Forum of Infocommunication and Digital Technologies
    / Voronezh / 05/30/2013 / Cost is not known
    A unique discussion platform in the Central Black Earth Region, will be held in several B2B, B2G and B2C formats, leading experts from all over the Central will gather for the exchange of experience in the implementation and use of modern IT solutions -Chernozem, questions will be raised on the development and strengthening of international and interregional ties.

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