I am above you all or how to communicate with an IT specialist. Continuation

In continuation of the article about the psychological characteristics of IT-specialists. To properly communicate with a typical representative of this profession, you need to understand how he thinks, what he lives with. Being often a very introverted person, he does not verbalize his thoughts enough to communicate with him in the same language. But now we will slightly open what is hidden behind our silent concentration ...
What is programming for me? At school and in the first years of uni, I literally breathed them. He quickly enough studied new languages, technologies, all the time he was looking for something new, more. When any idea of a new project came, I came to life. It's like falling in love ... For a while.
I kept trying to make out something more behind the line of code, but I didn't understand this to myself. To the question "what next?" I had nothing to answer. I did not understand why to study further, but there was a kind of whip - the army. So I had to step over and pass stupid labs through myself, learn all sorts of crap and pass. But I did not see any further meaning. I began to unwind this chain and came to a standstill. All this work seemed to me somehow petty, not interesting enough, boring. Sleep, computer, internet. Occasionally laziness, apathy and reluctance happened.
But that was not depression. I wouldn’t even listen if they started rubbing me about it. Depression is about those who do not feel well. But it happens to me very well, it happens very bad, but I'm not depressed ... And in general, you yourself are depressed! I had no idea what it was. I thought it was such a bad emotional state - autumn, rain, all things, everyone was sad and depressed, well, or there aren’t enough vitamins. Bad conditions are covered and released. Stagnation periods alternate with periods when you can work for days, you want it, and it's high. Worse, when you want less of all this, and everyday life is covered with gray haze ... It looks like childhood, when you think that adults know everything, and when you grow up, you understand that adults can make, well, absolutely children's mistakes.
In my student days, programming really filled me. He was engaged in freelancing, he was only looking for interesting tasks in order to stretch his brain and learn new things. He did not chase for money and quantity. This more or less kept me afloat, supported the desire to live and work, brought joy. It is clear that not always, but for the most part.
Nevertheless, I already read all sorts of esotericism and clever books on psychology. Again, it was only enough for the first time, then - loss of interest and apathy.
Now I understand that many, like me, are looking for something, they themselves do not know what exactly. But this is something missing. And this is such a hidden "lack", because we do not even realize it, do not realize that we need to find something.
Systemic-vector psychology calls these conditions latent depression. That is, it’s the same depression, but its manifestations are not so noticeable and not so pronounced - fatigue, trouble sleeping, doing work through strength, or just such a reduced interest in the environment, but not total. From the side, a person in general can look quite successful.
At the same time, depression as such is a feature of exclusively people in whose character the Sound vector is present . He sets a certain direction for our desires, and these needs dominate.
Abstract intelligence ... When I first heard that a sound vector endows a person with abstract intelligence and that all programmers are sound engineers, for a long time I could not figure out why abstract intelligence is for a programmer, for some reason I thought that logic is more important for writing programs. It turns out that the program itself is the brainchild of a "sound mind." Abstract intelligence is the ability to comprehend abstraction. Abstracting from the surrounding reality, we strive to comprehend that which is removed from this reality as much as possible ...
It would seem that this has nothing to do with programming. Indeed, programming is only a substitute, a child’s designer, a model of what abstract sound intelligence is really meant to be aimed at ... Dosingularity. After all, the answer was never found, but how do you want to know the meaning, hell, of this life ... In general, if not for the program of the universe, then at least write your own little program to make it work according to your plan ... The Internet is also a creation of sound , in combination - his happy place ...
So about this hidden depression ... Actually, the presence of a sound vector and the associated search for the meaning of life is already a hidden depression.
It is noteworthy that there are a lot of sound people who do not verbalize their questions about the meaning of life and do not define depression in themselves. The same atheists who say "There is no God!" - but even this is already an indicator of the presence of the sound vector and the “search for God”, even if they did not find it, only the sound engineers have a search for the root cause and the question of God ... Some try to unconsciously compensate for the uncomfortable sensations in the sound vector with their other, extroverted vectors - they are fond of sports (using the skin vector), jam themselves by endless chatter, jokes or scandals (through the oral vector), travel and go to parties (through the visual vector). But depression from this does not disappear and only grows over the years. Such longing attacks at times
By the way, an amusing observation, but a joyful reaction to disaster events can also serve as a sign of hidden depression ... Carry out an experiment: burst into the room of a familiar programmer, clap him on the shoulder and exclaim with a grimace of horror on his face: “Vaska! There ... on TV ... the volcano exploded, and a tsunami wave covers North America! ” And watch the reaction of your eternally indifferent friend. As he jumps, as if stung and rushes to the TV, and even if he says something like “Oh my God, what a horror!”, A spark of joyful revival plays in his eyes ...
Based on materials from the training of systemic vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.