CRUD application on Ext JS and Ruby on Rails in 7 minutes

Original author: Max Gorin
  • Transfer
  • Tutorial
This is an updated version of an outdated post .

This post will show you simple steps to create a TODO task manager using Ext JS, Ruby on Rails, and Netzke . It will take you about 7 minutes, and if you are curious in advance whether it is worth it, take a direct look at the “Discussing Results” section (by the way, the largest one). Our goal is to create a web application that will allow us to add, edit and delete TODO tasks, as well as mark them as completed. In addition to this, you can sort tasks, do a search on them, edit several tasks at the same time - and that's not all. If you want, time on a stopwatch - and let's get started.

When creating this tutorial, I used the following library versions: Rails 3.2.8, netzke-core v0.8.0, netzke-basepack v0.8.0, Ext JS 4.1.1a - as well as Ruby 1.9.3 and Mac OSX Mountain Lion

Initial steps

Create a new Rails application:

$ rails new netzke_task_manager && cd netzke_task_manager

Add Netzke to the Gemfile:

gem 'netzke-core', '~>0.8.0'
gem 'netzke-basepack', '~>0.8.0'

Install gems:

$ bundle install

We link the Ext JS library, and (optionally) the FamFamFam icons , in public/extjsand, public/images/iconsrespectively. For example ( for example! ):

$ ln -s ~/code/extjs/ext-4.1.1 public/extjs
$ mkdir public/images
$ ln -s ~/assets/famfamfam-silk public/images/icons

Specify Netzke Routes and comment out the root rout in config/routes.rb:

NetzkeTaskManager::Application.routes.draw do
  root to: "welcome#index"

Generate a welcome controller:

$ rails g controller welcome index

Do not forget to delete public/index.html.

We app/views/layouts/application.html.erbreplace the default code that includes JavaScript and styles with the load_netzke helper. The result should look something like this:

Netzke Task Manager
  <%= load_netzke %>
  <%= csrf_meta_tag %>

<%= yield %>

Note that a helper load_netzkeis all that is needed to connect scripts and styles of both Netzke and Ext JS itself.

3 minutes have passed - and we are ready to start the really interesting part!

Model creation

Let's create a model of the Task, which will have the attributes of name, priority, notes, due_dateand a flag done:

$ rails g model Task done:boolean name notes:text priority:integer due:date

Update the schema of our database:

$ rake db:migrate

We want our tasks to at least always have some kind of name, so let's add the appropriate validation (file app/models/task.rb):

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :done, :due, :name, :notes, :priority
  validates :name, presence: true

Creating the Tasks Grid Component

Let's create our first Netzke component, inheriting it from a fully functional one Netzke::Basepack::Grid. But first we need to create a directory app/components:

$ mkdir app/components

In this directory, create the tasks.rb file with the following contents:

class Tasks < Netzke::Basepack::Grid
  def configure(c)
    c.model = "Task"

Our component is a Ruby class inherited from Netzke::Basepack::Gridand configured to use a previously created model Task. Now we need to embed the created component in the view of our application. In the file, app/views/welcome/index.html.erbreplace the default code with the following line:

<%= netzke :tasks, height: 400 %>

Let's start the server:

$ rails s

... and see how it looks in the browser at http: // localhost: 3000 / :

Our application works and at first glance looks pretty good. In a minute I will give you an impressive list of what features it provides, but first, let's make some minor corrections to improve the look of the application (we still have enough time for this).

Netzke::Basepack::Grid, from which our grid is inherited, is flexibly configured. Let's make 4 simple improvements:

  • denote which columns we go to see (hide created_atand updated_at)
  • change the column heading “Due” to “Due on”
  • configure the “Notes” column so that it fills the entire remaining width using the property flexfromExt.grid.column.Column
  • we will use the configuration parameter of scopeour grid to exclude those entries in which the flag is setdone

The final code for our component will look like this:

class Tasks < Netzke::Basepack::Grid
  def configure(c)
    c.model = "Task"
    c.columns = [
      {name: :notes, flex: 1},
      {name: :due, header: "Due on"}
    c.scope = {done: [nil, false]}

Excellent. We will use the remaining two minutes to bring the last, purely visual, edit. To put our grid in the middle of the page, add a couple of styles to app/views/layouts/application.html.erb, right after the helper load_netzke:

Add the h1 header to app/views/welcome/index.html.erb:

Incomplete tasks

<%= netzke :tasks, height: 400 %>

That's it! You can stop the stopwatch and discuss the results:

We discuss the results

Since it Netzke::Basepack::Gridis a fully functional component, we get a bunch of functionality without writing a single line of code for this. Let's take a look in more detail.

Automatically detect field types

In our application, we created fields in the Task model with several different types: integer, boolean, string, text and date. Each field automatically receives a column that supports the corresponding type (for example, you cannot enter letters in the priority field, the date field has a calendar, etc.).


Even if the tasks table contains tens of thousands of records, this is not a problem for the Netzke grid thanks to the built-in page support.

Ability to edit multiple lines at once

Adding, updating and deleting several records at once is easy:

Context menu

Some functions of the buttons in the bottom panel of the grid are duplicated in the context menu:

Rails validation support

Rails validations are taken into account:

Sorting records on the server

Click on the column heading to sort the entries:

Filtering records on the server

Smart filters are integrated by default in each column, according to the type of field.

For date:

For priority:

Adding and editing entries through the form

Sometimes adding or editing records is easier to do through the form. Netzke provides you with such an opportunity (editing multiple entries is also supported - just select several lines and click "Edit in form").

Advanced Search with Support for Saving Queries

Click the Search button to call up the complex query editor:

Only the tip of the iceberg

What you found out is just a very small part of what Netzke can do. In fact, I just showed how to use a pre-created component built on the basis of the incredibly powerful Netzke Core platform, which, among other things, allows combining components into new (composite) components, supports dynamic loading of components from the server, flexible interaction between client and server parts of the component - and much more, making Netzke, leveraging the power of Ext JS and Rails, the ideal platform for creating incredibly complex single-page web applications.

In continuation of this post, I will show you how to easily place 3 instances of our component on the bookmarks bar, each of which will show its selection of tasks: completed tasks, unfinished tasks, and all tasks at the same time. See the next part of the tutorial .

Note from the translator: components from Netzke Basepack support Russian localization .

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