The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week No. 325 (July 30 - August 5, 2018)

    We offer you a selection with links to new materials from the front-end area and around it.

        Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


    podcastFrontend Weekend podcast # 64 - Oleg Mokhov on how to manage developers comfortably and correctly
    podcastWeb Standards podcast, Release № 132: Podcasting, browser innovations, vulnerability in React and not only, wrong pipeline, subgroups are ready, intricate manual web-components
    podcastCSSSR Podcast News 512 - Issue # 17 (July 30 - August 5 )
    podcastDevshakht Podcast: Night Frontend # 44 —How to get all developers in the company onto your bike

    Web development

    Bullshit Web trend
    enWeb is still a DARPA weapon
    enFrontend News # 2: crash course on clipboard api
    enRegarding deprecated status for xlink: href in SVG
    Attacking enus! 23+ best practices on security Node.js


    habrTechniques and tools for developing web page styles
    How we made the web interface for Google Photos: look under the hood
    enDouble click on pure CSS
    enCSS Grid - a beginner’s guide
    enFlexbox - an animated guide
    enStyleURL is an online tool that allows export and share CSS changes directly from Chrome DevTools
    enFocus on mobile viewport units
    enChen Hui Jing on CSS exclusions in response to a recent Ben Frain article on the same topic
    enControlled scrolling with CSS Scroll Snap
    enA practical guide to CSS variables (custom properties)


    habrFriday JS: playing 0 lines of JS and CSS
    habrJS code, Roman numerals, geometric puzzles: how we encrypt our age
    habrReactivity in JavaScript: a simple and clear example
    Introduction to the MutationObserver API from JavaScript
    enES6 JavaScript: 5 new abstractions to improve your code
    enI created the same application on React and on Vue. And what are the differences
    enThe most popular JavaScript repositories on GitHub for July 2018
    enClose the gap between low-level and high-level JavaScript libraries for graphing
    enRepresentation of Fusion.js: Universal web framework based on plug-ins (from Uber)
    enA line of Javascript code that slowed ten times


    habrAmigo all. Now it's official
    habrFirefox easily bypasses protection in the new Gmail interface.
    habrAgainst defeatist sentiment in privacy. Why browsers can still stop fingerprinting
    Technical details of the release of Firefox 61 in the blog of Marat Tanalin
    Mozilla decided to change the Firefox logo and asked users to leave feedback
    Google has released the official version of VR Chrome for the Daydream platform
    Microsoft Edge has got advanced support for Web Authentication technology
    Microsoft Edge browser bug allows you to steal local files


    Career solutions on the example of computer games of the early 2000s
    AI, introduce yourself! Why and how to distinguish a car from a person
    Junior, middle and senior developers: what's the difference - experts answer
    GitHub integrates Google's Cloud Build launch tool
    UI backward compatibility
    2018 programming language rating from IEEE Spectrum edition
    Yandex launched free service for creating surveys and collecting questionnaires
    From chat bots to conversational AI: developing smart assistants for business
    Mobile Internet of Things expects explosive growth

    We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicate links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal, we are trying to fix them quickly.

    Digest from last week .
    Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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