IBM Mobile Application with Augmented Reality Technology

    IBM is testing a mobile application that “sees” products on store shelves using image recognition technologies and displays information on the composition / technical characteristics / country of manufacture / number of calories / and much more on the phone screen. And all this is complemented by a social component.

    Amnon Rebak, a member of IBM Research in Haifa, Israel, is introducing technology that can recognize and compare products.

    At the international exhibition CeBIT, IBM showed a test version of the application, which gives people new options for shopping in stores using a smartphone.

    The application (so far unnamed) is being developed in Israel, in the city of Haifa. The application is based on image recognition technology, due to which the program scans products, and then displays information about the product or can sort by some parameters (for example, composition or price).

    By downloading this application, customers can easily find those products that, for example, do not contain harmful substances, which every year becomes more and more popular.

    Augmented reality from IBM may interest not only buyers, but also sellers, as Now you can easily find discounted goods, goods sold by coupons, etc.

    Another interesting feature is the presence of a review system. Those. You can not only learn more about the product that lies before you, but also find out what your friends think about it. Given the popularity of social networks, it is likely that the function of adding "seen" to Facebook or Twitter will be available.

    As already mentioned, a test sample of the application was presented at the exhibition - all the information was downloaded to the smartphone in advance. But at the moment, an active testing period is underway, and we believe that it will not be long to wait until the final release.

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