World digital revolution

    Hello, Habr! Recently, a project on IT education has appeared on the web . Slogan: “Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn how to program.” A video hangs on the main page where celebrities, including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, explain why coding * is cool. The authors of the project raise the question economically: the need for programmers and computer specialists is much higher than the number of students studying programming. Few schools teach coding. Convincing figures and diagrams are provided. This, of course, is about the United States, but it is not difficult to replace it in the text with any other country. also politically correct hints that it is time to balance the gender balance in computer science, so that more women know programming and program themselves on a par with men.

    Any sane geek and IT specialist will support, because it pours balm into the very root of our existence. Obviously, we are good guys, smart, creative, we rotate the modern world, there should be more of us, be equal to us. Some males will consider the issue of female programming controversial, and I personally favor. Women themselves will figure out whether they need to code or not, but the opportunity to learn this from them should be no less than that of men, and one does not need to look askance at it. Moreover, the problem posed can be expanded and said that it makes sense to learn not only to code, but also to draw, design, model, write music from a young age, and precisely on a computer, because the computer is a universal tool for creativity.

    So, let's say and the digital revolution are rapidly winning, and after 20-30 years, the computerization of society reaches the very depths. As well as reading and writing, children at school were taught to code. In addition, they learned to sculpt 3D models, do video editing, animation, web design, write music. With the rapid development and simplification of development tools, many things will become available to children. Imagine that creating digital matter on a computer will be 100 times easier, more visual and more fun than it is now. And now, children grow up, possessing all these amazing skills that only hykanut, often asocial citizens now possess (and then on average there is one skill per such citizen). Suppose also that this is a global phenomenon, and a black woman in a bamboo village, and European women in their residential area receive approximately the same charge of computer literacy. Moreover, this literacy by that time will not be regarded as “computer”, it will simply be a set of basic skills, like the ability to read, count, swim, ride a bike. If for some reason you don’t know how to animate in 3D, then you are a strange person, and probably your parents often moved from place to place. Well, coding is understandable, anyway, what to write, everyone will be able to.

    The wave of innovation is likely to come from the organizational side. The means of joint development, crowdsourcing, as well as the system for organizing these processes have all chances to develop to wonderful heights. There will be more flexible and “fair” motivation schemes for participants in network projects. Ideally, the average inhabitant of the planet, and even quite young, will be able to invest his time and energy in those projects that he likes and act as the generator of new projects himself. Then the current economic system, with its closeness, division into clans, secret technologies, corporate cultures, will be a gloomy dawn of the coming digital grace.

    And now, from our gloomy time, when it’s difficult to make sites, and server coding is even more difficult, we are transferred to a digital utopia, populated by gigantic Leonardo da Vinci, fed by computers that can cook up a site in 5 minutes, and encode a servochka in 15, and they themselves decide what to do. What will we see?

    Oh friends, little is left. We will probably see the victory of the global digital revolution all together.

    (*) - I propose, finally, officially to introduce the verb “code” into the Russian language. Programming is long and ugly. And also borrowing, by the way.
    “How well coded at sunset when it's cool and the flies no longer buzz.” © turgenev2013

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