Simple-Science - Simple Experiences for Kids (Digest # 18)


    In this issue, we decided to make a selection of simple experiments that can be carried out with the children. All of them are safe and children can repeat them almost independently.

    Today in the children's issue:

    • water flows up;
    • flowers on the water;
    • the ball climbs into the jar;
    • jet pack;
    • grapes in a glass;
    • Atmosphere pressure.

    In this issue, all experiences are safe for health and good for the mind. Recommended for demonstration to children and adults :).

    See below 6 videos.

    Water flows up

    Flowers on the water

    The ball climbs into the jar

    Jet pack

    Grapes in a glass

    Atmosphere pressure

    You can subscribe to new videos on the Vkontakte page or look at the site " Experiences for children ".

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