FaceCode. Plugin for SublimeText2 (Linux OS)

Good afternoon.
Somehow, a fasting day fell at work, so in order not to be bored one idea fell into my head. Nothing serious, just a fan plugin for Sublime Text 2. Which will shoot the webcam of the developer saving the code and of course the stored code itself.
I want to draw your attention right away, dear reader, I touched the python for the first time, as I saw it for the first time. I also admit that in my text there can be grammatical ones, for which I ask you
Today without water.
The plugin should, with every N (hundredth) save, take a screen shot and a photo from the webcam.
Throw it in different folders and name it with the exact date and time.
For correct operation you need:
Any linux distribution is, alas, it will only work on Linux (Macs are in question)
Streamer utility - for taking photos from
ImageMagick webcam - for taking screenshots from sub-lime
Code itself
import sublime, sublime_plugin, os,time, commands
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
class FaceCodeCommand(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def __init__(self):
self.cnt = 0
self.settings = sublime.load_settings("FaceCode.sublime-settings")
self.facecode = self.settings.get("facecode")
self.time_format = self.settings.get("time_format")
self.img_format = self.settings.get("img_format")
self.path_photo = self.settings.get("path_save_photo")
self.path_screen = self.settings.get("path_save_screen")
self.device = self.settings.get("device")
self.count_save = self.settings.get("count_save")
self.filename = self.get_file_name()
def on_pre_save(self, view):
if self.facecode:
if self.cnt % self.count_save == 0:
self.cnt += 1
def check_folder(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.path_photo) and self.path_photo:
os.mkdir(self.path_photo, 0777)
if not os.path.exists(self.path_screen) and self.path_screen:
os.mkdir(self.path_screen, 0777)
def get_file_name(self):
dt = datetime.now()
ds = str(dt.strftime(self.time_format))
return ds+"."+self.img_format
def save_photo(self):
os.system("streamer -c "+self.device+" -o "+self.path_photo+self.filename)
def save_screen(self):
win_id = commands.getoutput(
'xprop -root | grep "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW)" | awk \'{print $5}\''
os.system("import -window "+win_id+" "+self.path_screen+self.filename)
//Включаем плагин
"facecode": true,
//Путь для сохранения снимков
//Если не надо делать фото либо скрин сублайма то просто установите false
"path_save_photo": "/home/alex/webcam/photo/",
"path_save_screen": "/home/alex/webcam/screenshot/",
//Формат сохранения
// %d - день
// %m - месяц
// %y - год
// %H - час
// %M - минуты
// %S - секунда
"time_format": "%d_%m_%y_%H_%M_%S",
//Формат картинок на выходе (jpeg|jpg|png|gif)
"img_format": "jpeg",
//само устройство
"device": "/dev/video0",
//при каком по счёту сохранению будут делатся снимки
//1 - при каждом, 100 - при каждом сотом
"count_save": 14
I got what I originally planned. I saw a "terrible" python - experience after all.

Screen screen

Photos from a webcam
Plug-in on github
Result GIF (ATTENTION 12 mb - 800+ frames)
Thank you all, I went to work.
PS Corrections and corrections for the plugin are welcome.