Questions to the post of Alex Rublev about design

    While writing a comment, the author moved the post to drafts. Therefore, I will write here.

    The author is obviously well versed in design, and therefore I would like to discuss some aspects with him and other competent persons.

    The post wanted to plyusanut, but just did not have time. I respect opinions, all the more well stated!

    In fact, the post is excellent, I suggest the author return it.

    In general, I propose to all the more often plus posts and authors, even if you do not agree with the opinions, but they are well written! The polar point of view is good, it is an excellent incentive for the development of social thought, it is an excellent ground for a better analysis and more relevant conclusions.

    There are a couple of questions. I'll ask them here, if you will. Probably someone else will be interested. Let's discuss?

    I am a programmer, and in combination I often have to act as a UI developer. Colleagues will understand me.

    About ten times it happened ... we get pictures from the designer, typeset, release alpha or beta in the design. Naturally, the following things happen:
    - some buttons and other interface elements turn out to be unclaimed (forms, for example);
    - several buttons and interface elements are not enough;
    - some buttons and other interface elements are “not there” or look “not like that” (I will give an example below).

    We ask the designer to finalize - and a tantrum happens with him. He has an author's vision, and here we are all suckers. We are talking about about ten designers located in different geographical locations, different experiences, pathos and skills. Repetition, deja vu, for more than 10 years.

    I had to change the designers. They were looking for new ones, asked to redo them.

    The second picture, a special fresh case.

    We make a messenger. The interface means an address book, the designer draws three buttons next to each user name: “video call”, “audio call”, “text message”. The designer makes the buttons small, literally 4 millimeters, and a millimeter of distance between them. Touch interface! Application for tablets. Accurately hit the button with your finger - almost unrealistic. Especially on the go.

    We ask the designer to redo the buttons - increase them, or make sure that when you click on the user name, a pad with large buttons leaves at the bottom, another five options are offered.

    With the designer a tantrum happened. He has an author’s vision, he made a beautiful harmonious layout, and we are suckers. Refuses to accept reviews and modify.

    I had to change the designer. They were looking for a new one, asked to redo it.

    The third picture.

    We make an application for logisticians. The interface contains dozens of varieties of tables, which reflect the movement of goods, vehicles with goods, cargo on airplanes and trains, combined shipments and detailing.

    The customer gave the layouts drawn by the designer. In mock logic, to put it mildly, not thought out. A bunch of controls, essentially drawn spontaneously. Although beautiful.

    We developed user cases, and as a result, the number of controls was reduced. On each page, from 10-20 design ideas - up to 2-3 simple large buttons that are convenient and do everything.

    In the source there were cool sliders, filters on tables, accordions and switches. As the source data for the user cases, we used the results of interviews with users. They also showed a prototype, they also experimented. Users found that two large buttons are better than two dozen “twists”. They work with it.

    Naturally, in the process, gloss and harmony were lost. They took screenshots from the prototype, and returned with a request to complete the design.

    A hysteria happens to the designer ... He’s cool, we are suckers and don’t understand anything. We are looking for a new one, and at our own expense.

    Prototyping helps to avoid all these situations. A meticulous study of the user case, designing an interface in several steps, developing a fully functional prototype, testing interfaces on people, repeating correction cycles ... From tens to hundreds of human hours, money, blood and sweat - to get an interface convenient for people. And five hours of designer work, before or after.

    When we give the prototype to the designer, he makes candy out of it in one go. In this case, no tantrums occur.

    I am not saying that someone is right and someone is wrong. I want to ask questions.

    1. Why, when designers are asked to remake something, do tantrums happen to them? Moreover, the more significant the improvements - the more terrible tantrums.
    2. Prototyping really somewhat limits the freedom of flight of creative thought, but greatly reduces the likelihood of the need for alterations. Thus, there is less likelihood of designer tantrums. Does this not justify the use of the method?

    Or maybe I didn’t come across such designers?

    Over the past 12 years, has changed 4 jobs. He worked in studios and freelance. The described situations are repeated from case to case, regardless of the circumstances.

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