We remove ads on the new Computerra site


    Regular readers of the online Computerra probably noticed changes in the design and operation of the site - now they have a new engine. I personally liked him terribly, and I could not get enough of reading articles and news. But the joy lasted only until yesterday. The sad thing happened: in the top of the main page there was a huge advertising banner width from edge to edge and a height of 350 px. It all looks like this:

    The banner is made very beautifully and stylishly. One trouble: over time, he began to just annoy. Still, 1/3 of the screen was stolen by advertising, and it saddens. I had to tackle the locking tools while built into Opera (I do not use extensions of such functionality, preferring to deliver point strikes where I see fit).

    I must say right away that the usual function of blocking content will not help here: the picture is built into the background. I did the following.

    1. RMB on the site, the menu "Blocked content". Manually added the line * ad.adriver * to the list .
    2. Create a terra.css text file with the following contents:

    .stop {
    display: none !important;

    .page-podl {

    padding-top: 30px !important;

    3. We save it in a convenient place, then RMB on the site, menu “Settings for the site”, tab “View”, in the bottom field indicate the newly created CSS file.

    The result is this:

    PS If you wish, a similar method can be applied in other browsers. I think so.
    PPS Guys from Computerra! Please forgive me!

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